
Thursday, December 9, 2010

What should I do with my life?

This post is kind of my question post in my blog.  It's a combination of many things swirling in my head right now at the moment and just trying to pinpoint the one the seems to fit the best for me.
 Well, right now I'm trying to figuire out what I should do with my life is the big question I will try to answer with today's blog post? I can't really answer it because only God knows the answer to that question.  He is in control of my life, that's the only thing certain right now.  I have to cling to that fact during this time in my life, like someone might cling to water in a desert.
When I first when I college I thought I was going to be some big shot sports announcer/broadcaster.  Then, when I did TV reporting the fall of my senior year it got kind of stressful and I just didn't find joy in it.  I became really stressed with editing and just getting my story perfect.  I only had one or two decent stories.
  My friend Jim Douglas has told me I should try print reporting though I only did that for one semester.  The one thing I really liked about reporting was mainly the interviewing, I guess that's because how I'm wired.
  I recently took a personality test at this church I've been going to around home in the houston area called Ecclesia Clear Lake.  Anyways, it really brought to light my strengths.
  It helped me realize what I'm good at personally and what brings me joy in life.  All strength finder talents match me so well.  I'm very good at reinforcing what I believe using belief and I also "talk into the hearts" of people well.  I listen and give good advice to people real well which goes along with that well.  I'm good at Communication talent because I was a broadcast journalism major and did Young Life.  I'm a positivity talent because I think I've always been upbeat in looking to the bright side in most situations.  I'm a Woo talent because I've loved meeting new people whether it be Young Life kids or sports figuires with stories I've reported.  My last one was strategic, I think I've always liked writing down things and planning them out.
 I wrote and delivered some sports for KTCU at the end of my spring and thought I liked that better than TV stuff at the time.  This fall has been frustrating at times, I've applied like crazy to radio jobs and some TV jobs. I've also thought about maybe doing Young Life full-time staff because I have a passion for hanging out with/meeting new kids.  I've only gotten to give a couple talks in my time as a Young Life but I know I just gotta work at it.  I've got some good ideas for walk-ons and that type of stuff as well.  I've wanted to do more walk-ons at TCU but there was a guy on my YL team who was really good at them.
I think I would be good at fundraising to get on YL staff because a raised some money for bowl-a-thon a couple years ago.  
Will Wyatt, who started up D-focus I went to this summer, that if we're faced with a tough decision to present all the possible things we are deciding between to God.  God will eventually lead us back to what he wants me to me doing.  Anyways, all I know is I gotta keep presenting and abiding in Christ.  Jesus wants me to trust in him, be aware of him, and be despertely dependent of him for everything.  He is in control of my life, an awesome truth to know daily friends!

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