
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Change the Past

Sometimes I wish I could change the past.  There are things that I wish back that would never have happened.  It's almost like I want to turn back time.
One thing that goes long with my desire to change the past is that I have to trust in God's sovereignty for the past.  It is important for my future growth as a Christian, to remind myself that God was sovereign over my past and will be sovereign over my future.  He was sovereign over my two car wrecks in high school and the frustrations they caused.  God is still working in my life though I have this disability that affects my ability to drive by myself. I have to daily remind myself that God is worthy of our trust and time.
Lastly, I have to remind myself that God will provide for the future.  Sometimes Satan pulls me down with thoughts that I am not good enough and I am worthless.  I am bombarded of my insecurities of myself.  Every time I fall into temptation, God reminds me of who he is in my life. Trusting in his provisions has been the only thing that keeps me going at times.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanking God

I thank God for two things these have been influential in my life.  I thank God for his sovereignty and faithfulness.  I also thank God for my best friend Andrew Boone.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Waiting on God

The main thing God has been teaching me is to wait on him.  He has been reminding me to wait on him for future job, future wife, and to provide a car that drives by itself.  God has been showing me I need to trust him with all my life.
God has been showing me the verse Isiah 40:31;by waiting on God he will use me.  If I wait on God daily, he will use me for his glory.  This fall, God has been using me to disciple high school students at Christ Chapel.  I have been teaching on Sunday nights to a group of high school guys.  I eat lunch with them every week, call them, and encourage them in their daily walk with Christ.  God has been revealing more things he wants me to serve him with in ministry.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

God's growth in me

I have been waiting on God in use me in certain aspects of my life.  For a year, I waited on God to be able to lead small groups at High School Ministry at church and now I am.  These past six to seven weeks God has been growing my ability to teach his word to high school kids and to love these guys well.
I have been waiting on God in a few aspects of my life and he has been using me.  I look to Isiah 40:31 where he talks about waiting on God and we will soar like wings on eagles.  For the longest time I have been waiting on God for a while and he has been reminding me that he will still and is using me.  He has been showing me that I have the ability to teach his word even though my gift is not teaching.  God will allow us to do things that are not our strong suit.
In this post I want to stress that we need to wait on God and he will use us.  God's timing is not our own.  He only works in his plans to accomplish his purposes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Presenting and Abiding in Christ

Surrendering to God becomes natural when we can see God's power and presence in our lives.  God brings certain trials in our lives to show us how much we need him.  God uses those trials to show us why it is needed that we surrender to him in view of his mercy toward us and abide in him daily.
God used the trial of a car wreck in high school and specific transition after college to bring me to a point of daily surrender to him.  These times in my life have shown me specifically who God is and that he will never give up on me throughout my life.  Through these times, God gave me the realization that he is in control of my life and he is sovereign.  He made truths I have not come to grips with before become real to me.  Lastly, I was able to see the power and immensity of God's working in my life.
Presenting is a simple daily process in a Christian's life.  When we are presenting things to God and surrendering to him, then we are abiding in Christ.  Through this process, God will transform us into Christlikeness.  Daily abiding in Christ produces that fruits of the Spirit discussed in Galatians 5:22-23.  Lastly, when abiding becomes natural to us then we are slowly becoming mature Christians.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

God's mercy

When I think about who God is and his attributes I think of his tender mercy.  His mercy is so vast, so pure, so divine.  He has had mercy on me on the deepest, darkest, times of my life.
God's grace and mercy are interchangeable in nature.  It says in Psalm 145:8-9, NASB "The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. The Lord is good to all. And his mercies are over his works." God does not treat us as we deserve but shows mercy on us when we sin and in hard times in our life.  God is still good at all times and his love endures through all the earth.  He is still on the throne through all the ages.
God has showed me mercy and love in times of my life when I needed him.  During the junior year of high school I got in my first car wreck.  The other person was injured and went to the hospital because I could not judge how far along they were in the intersection.  God showed me mercy because I did not get injured during the car wreck and the other person was not injured badly.  God used my Young Life leader and best friends from high school to pursue me during that hard time in my life and turn my heart back to following the Lord after falling away for a bit.
God showed me his grace and mercy in providing me a job during various times of my life.  Through his provision and grace I am able to see that God is still loving me and caring for me daily.   God is still on his throne every day.  He provides for me through the pleading of his Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus shows his grace upon us Romans 5:8, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
As I close this blog I hope you can remember God's grace and mercy daily.  God's compassion and mercy never fail and his mercy is endless.  Our God showers grace on us every day.
How can you seek out God's grace and mercy today? What are ways we can see God's grace in our life? How have you seen God's mercy in your life?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

God's movement

God's presence is power, mighty, holy, and overpowering.  It can overwhelm us and overtake us at times.  Other times, it can bring us to our knees.  Lately, God is showing me to just rest in his presence and power and he will move in my life.
God has been reminding me that I have to trust in his goodness and power to overcome in my life.   It says in Ephesians 3:20, "he is bigger than we can ask or imagine according to the power that is at work within us."  As Paul reminded the church of Ephesus of how they were before Christ I have to daily reflect on God's power and what he has done in my life.  I have overcome so much in my life already.  God promises to keep doing great things through me all of my life.
 God still has great plans for me in my life. Philippians 1:6 says, "God will continue working in you until the day of Christ Jesus." If we surrender to God daily and abide him he will conform me to his image.  Romans 8:29 describes this conforming process that God does in my life when we do present and abide in him daily.
Lastly, I have to trust in God's plan for me and my life.  God does things in his timing not ours.  We may want everything laid out for us but God waits us to wait for him to provide for us.  God has something planned for us that we could not know or imagine.  Trusting in God's timing is the hardest thing to do because Jesus had to wait 40 days when tempted by the devil.

Snoop's life: Contentment in my lot in life

Snoop's life: Contentment in my lot in life: Lately God has been teaching me to be content in where I am in life.  I think it goes back to my struggles of my driving problems in my past...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Contentment in my lot in life

Lately God has been teaching me to be content in where I am in life.  I think it goes back to my struggles of my driving problems in my past along with many other things. Sometimes I just want to fast forward to the future.  The main verse I will be using in the text is 1 Timothy 6:6-8.  It describes being content with the food, the clothing, and what God has given us.
The first area of contentment I want to discuss is contentment with my future.  God wants us to be content with where we are.  Paul writes in Timothy in verse six that a level of contentment leads to godliness. If we are trusting in God's provisions for our life, then food, clothing, and the money to pay for those things will be provided for us (1 Tim 6:8) This level of contentment is accomplished by resting in God's promises day by day.
The second area of contentment that I struggle with is contentment in finding a wife.  I admit I stress out about who I will marry or struggle with wisdom in pursuing certain girls that God puts on my heart to pursue. As Kevin DeYoung says in this book Just Do Something, I just need to be bold when pursuing girls and ask. Also, it is necessary that I remind myself to be content in my singleness in specific times of my life.   The overall big picture is that God will provide for my individual will if I just trust in his plans.
It is important in obtaining a strong sense of contentment in our growth in Christ that leads us to greater faith.  When we are content in Christ, we can trust that he will provide for us every step of the way.  Lastly, we just have to remember that God has a plan for our life and our our future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thoughts on Thailand mission trip

Here is a few thoughts on what God showed me during my recent Thailand mission trip.  God revealed to me three things during this trip that will be with me for a while.   The first is that though we try to do many things to get to heaven because Jesus died so we won't have to try to do good things.  The second thing God showed me during the trip is the nobody comes to a relationship with God without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ (John 14:6).  The last thing God showed me during this trip is that all truths point back to a creator God. 
The first principle I will discuss revolves around the fact that many people around the world and in other religions try to do good to get to heaven. Buddhists try to do good in order to get good karma to get to a certain level of heaven.  They believe if they do enough good Karma then they will get to that level of heaven and their good Karma will outweigh the bad Karma. While Muslims believe that they have to follow the five pillars in order to be accepted into heaven by Allah. Jesus died on the cross so that we do not have to try to do good to get to heaven anymore but by trusting in him he gives us the strength to live for him. 
The second principle that God showed me is that nobody comes to the Father without knowing Jesus Christ.  In Islam, Muslims believe that Allah is separated himself from man and that Jesus Christ is a prophet.  If Jesus was just a prophet, then why are there other references in John of him being equated with God? The many signs and miracles that Jesus did are equated with that of Moses in Islam. 
The last principle that God showed me through the Thailand mission trip was that all truths essentially point back to God.  This principle helps us as followers of Christ reason with Buddhists and lead them to a discussion about God. It is hard for other people of other religions to understand that 1 times 1 three times equals 1, thus showing how the Trinity of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit works in union with each other.  Absolute truths give us a way to point out who the one true God in heaven and earth truly is.  This principle gives us the concepts and discernment to guide people to the greatness of God.  
These truths I am going to put into practice in my day to day walk with God.  They are helpful for engaging and sharing with those who don't know Christ.  Who are you going to share with about Jesus Christ today? What truths is God teaching us? 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Trusting God leads us to a greater faith

God has been showing me this summer and over the years that the more I trust him with simple situations the greater faith that he gives me.  My faith has been growing as I trust God and surrender my daily struggles to him.  This has evolved into God showing me that he is good, faithful, compassionate, merciful, and gracious toward us daily.
In the Bible, Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.  He trusted him when an angel spoke to him to build an altar to sacrifice his son, Isaac and listened to the angel when he didn't kill Isaac.  Though this situation, Abraham trusted that God would provide for him daily.  His belief and trust in God's goodness was credited to him as righteousness.  It says in Hebrews 11 that he is in the faith hall of Fame because of this belief and trust in God.
I never really thought of myself as a faithful person until recently.  The other day I was reviewing my spiritual gifts inventory test I took with my small group and realized that faith was one of the fourth or fifth highest on my spiritual gifts.  Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) says that "faith is the confidence of what we hope for and the assurance of what we do not see."  It's an ability to look to the future though it may seem dim.  I feel it can mean an ability to trust in the inevitable as well.  
Everyone is given a certain amount of faith when they become a Christian.  We gain more and more faith as we get older and learn to trust God in different situations that we are put in.  As a serious circumstance comes up, we are called to trust God in faith that he will provide for us and see us through that circumstance.
Lastly, a maturing type of faith is one that will be able to withstand a lifetime.  It is a daily struggle that we are put through in order to conform us to his image (Rom 8:28-29).  Once we go through these struggles, then our faith produces a level of maturity in us.  Then, we able to trust God and he will produce a sense of righteousness as we go about our lives.  This type of faith that I am describing, is a faith that saves us.
How has your faith helped you through tough times? What are the way that our faith can save us? What are the characteristics of a mature faith?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Faith that saves us

God has given me a level of faith through certain times in my life in order for me the have greater trust and maturity in him.  When I was younger, I had a small level of faith, but through the years this faith glass has transformed into a pitcher.  Christian maturity as defined by Will Wyatt in the discovery Bible study I went through at Discipleship Focus is the ability to trust God in more and more situations.
After graduating from college then going through the transforming study of Discipleship Focus, I thought I knew I wanted to go into broadcasting or journalism.  God closed down those paths, (sounds cliche), but God knew the direction where he wanted me to go.  He led me to seminary and back to a desire to serve him in ministry in 2011 after a year of joblessness. Looking back on that time in my life, I knew God was leading me into the ministry.  I have always had a passion for youth ministry from my time serving in Young Life.
In my time at seminary, I have gained a greater passion to serve the youth in student ministry at the church.  God has been confirmed my desire to serve the youth in student ministry in serving him at church and taking classes at the seminary.  I just feel that God wants me to use my gifts to serve, minister to, and love the students/youth in full time ministry eventually.
Lastly, I recently graduated with my MACE degree from Southwestern seminary and I have been trying to figure out God's direction for my life.  God has given me faith to trust him every step of the way because of his past faithfulness in my life.  Recently, God has blessed me with this part time job in the Fort Worth area to work at Kroger's on University as a Courtesy Clerk doing multiple things.  This will allow me to work my way up with the company gain certain benefits and still serve at in the Christ Chapel student ministry for a few years until a full time job or internship comes open at Christ Chapel or somewhere else.  In Hebrews 11:6 NIV it says "And without faith it is impossible to please God,  because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  
God has increased my faith during these times in my life.  He has increased my faith from a glass into a pitcher and helped me grow into maturity in him. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Snoop's life: Lecrae: In not of the world

Snoop's life: Lecrae: In not of the world: Today I will blogging about something recent I heard about one of my favorite rappers Lecrae.  The thing I heard about him relates to John 1...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lecrae: In not of the world

Today I will blogging about something recent I heard about one of my favorite rappers Lecrae.  The thing I heard about him relates to John 17:14-18.
These verses discuss being in not of the world as Christians in this world trying to witness to and share our faith with others that don't know Christ.  14 I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them [d]from [e]the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. 18 AsYou sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.    
Verse 14 describes how the world rejects us as Christians because we are not of the world.  God uses Jesus to protect us from Satan's attacks against us.  We are to stay in the truth of Christ despite attacks against us from Satan.  God is also sending us into the world to share Christ with those that don't know him.  That is our calling as disciples that God sends us out to be salt and light to others. 
I was reading an article about the Christian rapper Lecrae the other day.  It was really cool how he worked with these non Christian producers and rappers to improve his craft at rapping and on his future album.  God is doing something in this rapper that is trying to reach non Christian rappers for Christ.  By working with these people, he has the ability to share the love these people that don't know the message of Jesus Christ.
As Christians, we are to go into the world in order to reach the lost.  This was the slogan for Youth Lab a few years ago at Southwestern seminary.  As those in ministry, this is what God calls us to do daily.
I hope this blog encourages everyone that reads it today.  Even Christian celebrities can embody this model to the world and be a light to those that don't know Christ.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Snoop's life: Faith that God produces in us

Snoop's life: Faith that God produces in us: Thursday in the Mighty Men bible study we discussed how spiritual renewal can produce practical results in by having a commitment to God.  T...

Faith that God produces in us

Thursday in the Mighty Men bible study we discussed how spiritual renewal can produce practical results in by having a commitment to God.  This commitment to God's Word can lead to spiritual renewal and change in our lives.
The people of Israel entered into a covenant with God in Nehemiah 10 after a period of confession of sin and conviction of sin.  The people's main sin was intermarrying with other tribes. This covenant required affirmation and agreement and also required obedience and adherence.  The people knew the consequences for disobedience because of the curses discussed in Dueteronomy 28:15, 20.  In Nehemiah 10:30-35, the people made an oath in all parts to follow God and abide by his commands.
This oath showed the people of Israel's faith and trust in God.  This covenant was a new level of commitment for the Israelites; a sign that God's was renewing their hearts and minds through his Word.  Before this covenant was instituted and conviction instilled in them they had been neglecting the house of God.  In Nehemiah 10:39 ESV it says in regard to the people of Israel's response, "We will not neglect the house of God."  The people of Israel finally realized their need for God and how much they need to depend on him for everything in life.
God has been producing a spiritual renewal in me through a few hard years and times where God was calling me to trust him and faith.  Through those times,  God gave me the strength to trust him in faith.  During this time,  I grew in maturity in Christ.
One of those times came after I graduated from college at TCU I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.  I went to D-focus that summer, a summer discipleship program and God used that program to give me the ability to trust him in that time in my life of looking for a job and living at home with my parents.
Right now, God is calling me to trust him in faith after graduating from seminary.  If I do this, God will increase my faith from a glass to a big pitcher.  By trusting in God in different circumstances in our life, he will increase our faith and maturity in him as we grow in Christ.
For those that read this blog, what is God calling everyone to trust him with? How can God increase our faith on a day to day basis?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Trusting God in the here and now

This time in my life of waiting where God is leading me to serve him and waiting on the future since graduating from Southwestern seminary in Fort Worth, TX has been a hard time.  It has been a time where I have had to trust God with the here and now.  It is a reminder that that God knows what I need throughout the day and he will provide for me in my life.
I was reading the story of how Jesus walks on water today.  God called out Peter to come to him on the water at the beginning of the story and Peter was afraid because of the storm. Peter was scared to take a step out when he walked on the water.  Jesus calls Peter out for his weak faith. Our God can calm the wind and the storms in our life.
During the storms in our life, we have to trust that God will lead us where he wants us to go, where he wants us to serve him, and the future for our lives.  God has a plan for us even when we don't know it at the time and will use these times to conform us to his image; Romans 8:28-29. When we trust him during these times, God will increase our faith and maturity in him.  Through this our dependence and trust on him will grow and deepen.
How is God calling us to trust him daily? What is God desiring us to trust him more in our life?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Serving while waiting

This story is about serving those in need and sharing God's love with them during a difficult time in my life.  I had been praying that morning that God would give me opportunities to serve others or share the gospel.
Around a month ago I was leaving the student center after getting lunch with an old professor at Southwestern seminary when I came across a young guy with a cane who was slowly making in through the tunnel by the Student Village apartment complex by campus.  I saw him and asked him if he needed anything and he said "just some food." I didn't have a lot of cash at the time and the guy seemed like he had been walking for a while so I let him go back to my apartment to rest.  I made him a sandwich, gave him a granola bar, M&M's.  Also, I let him take a shower at the apartment.
I talked to him while he was eating about what he was going through in his life.  He didn't seem like he was a bad guy, he had just fallen on hard times and done something in his past that he regretted.  Lastly, he told me he was going to talk to the president of the school I had just graduated from Paige Patterson, because he has these visions and Dr. Patterson had helped him before.
As he was leaving the apartment I gave him a small pocket Bible and prayed for him as he went back to campus to talk to Dr. Patterson. The only regret I had was not sharing the gospel though he said he had gone to church in Fort Worth and Dallas.  I just didn't know if he professed to be a Christian or not.
In Matthew 25:35-42, God calls all Christians to serve those who don't have much food or clothing.  Verse 40 says we are supposed to serve even the least of these brothers.  The meaning of verse 40 pertains to loving all mankind as a whole.  God wants us to love and serve all people. By not loving and serving the least of people we are rejecting Jesus and therefore Jesus will reject us as it says in verse 41.   If we do not serve those that have nothing, will we even serve the King of Kings Jesus in eternal glory in heaven?
God calls us to life of love and serving others every day.  His will for us is to tell others about him on a day to day basis in whatever that entails.
How has God called us to share with Jesus today? How can we apply this passage and story to our life today?

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