
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Following Christ: A call to die

In David Platt's book Follow Me, he clearly shows what it truly means to follow Christ.  It is not about praying a prayer, reciting something when you were a kid, or a one time conversion.  Following Christ is about dying to ourselves daily.   Jesus says in Luke 9:23, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me."  As Christians, we are to die to our sins, idols, selfish pursuits of worldly things, sexual images in movies and online.
This call to die is not some type of simple belief but a daily repentance.  It is daily repenting of our sins and dying to the cross of Christ.  We are to surrender to Jesus and his will for our life.  The call to die should be about Jesus' will for our life not our will for our life.  Sometimes we get caught up in what is our will in this but we should be looking to what is God's will in this.
This process of following Christ is a continual dying to ourselves.  I will get into this process more on more blog posts.  Lord lead us how to die to ourselves more daily.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A follower of Christ

A follow of Jesus lives each day according to the plans and purposes of Jesus Christ.  A follower of Jesus Christ has spiritual fruit developed in their life as seen in Galatians 5:22-23.  A follower of Jesus Christ is conformed to the image of Christ daily as described in Romans 12:1-2.  A follower of Jesus Christ daily abides in Jesus Christ John 15:5.  A follower of Jesus Christ loves one another well as seen throughout the book of 1 John.  This is my exhausting definition of a follower of Jesus Christ, I will get into more detail as I read further in David Platt's book Follow Me.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

God's plan

Lately, I have been struggling with God's plan for my life.  I know I have to leave this two part time jobs at Kroger and Einstein's Bagel Bros.  It's really hard waiting for some of these jobs to get back with me and then some of them do not work out.  Mainly I need a connection that will lead to a job.  I need someone that can vouch for me.  Lastly, it's hard sometimes to find community and fellowship with me being a single guy in my early thirties.  It seems like a lot of my close friends have moved away or are busy and it's hard to find a community close to my age range.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

God desires my holiness

God reminded me Sunday that in seeking his will for my life that he desires my holiness.  In whatever we go through in life, God desires us to grow and mature in holiness.  God wants to do anything necessary for his to grow in him even if he takes us through situations where we may have to struggle.  In Romans 8:28-29, it says God uses all things in our life for our good in order to grow and mature us in him.  At times we cannot see what God is doing, but we have to trust that he still has a plan through it all.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Seek him and he will provide

These past couple weeks God has been reminding me that he will provide for me in this timing.   God used a random African lady in Garland, Texas to remind me that if I "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and then these things will be added to you."  Today, it merely showed me that if I seek after him and share with others about him and then he will provide for me in his will.  God will provide for him a job and a wife I can enjoy in his timing.  I merely need to trust that God knows what is best for me and plan to provide for me in his specific timing.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Godly wife

For two weeks I fasted and prayed for a godly future spouse.  God has been showing me that I need to give up who he wants me to marry to him.  He has been reminding me that he is molding and shaping the girl he has for me in my life.  God will use this recent break up to show me what I need to work on as I seek his will for a godly woman to love and serve with.  I need to seek out advice from others in relationships and that are married.
On a random note, God showed me that I need to have good questions about the person I am talking to.  I need good questions about them personally and about their profile.  Also, I need to think of other  out of the box ways that I can get to know them.  If I do pursue someone else,  I can move the order of the specific dates around and plan out the dates I go on better.  This will allow me to get to know the person better.
Lastly, God showed me different ways I can pray for a future wife.  God showed me specific ways I can pray for the girl he has for me.  He showed me the specific qualities that I should be looking for in a wife.  Also, he showed me what to look for and not to look for in a future spouse.  It is important that I pray for these qualities constantly and specifically.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The book Never Give Up by Kyle Idleman

The book Never Give Up by Kyle Ideleman has challenged me various struggles I have been facing the past few weeks.  It has reminded me to keep going in the midst of trials in my life.  It has reminded me to keep perspective in these times.   Also, it has shown me those faith heroes that have gone before me in Hebrews 11 are cheering me on.  These faith heroes are in heaven cheering me on to keep pressing on every day despite struggles and trials.
In the book, he reminds us that these faith heroes are with God in heaven cheering us on.  They know what it looks like to go through a trial.  These people in Hebrews 11 know it takes a lot of testing and faith.  Also, they know what true faith is: the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see.  These people did not see the bigger picture of God's plan at the time but they trusted God.
Idelman also calls on the readers to keep perspective about what they are going through.   We do this by trusting God in our fears.  When we do this, it allows us to keep fighting.   If we run away from the struggle, we may miss our on God's blessing.   When we fight through the struggle, we will find God's power and presence.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Frustrated and Confused

I have been frustrated and confused as to this relationship with this girl ending.  I thought she liked me and was interested in me.  On Sunday night, she said something she first mentioned to me a few weeks ago.  She said she did not feel like she was mine.  Ben Fuqua, the Young Adults Pastor at Christ Chapel Bible church, I should ask her if she would be willing to meet to explain what she meant by that.  He also said to ask her if there is anything that I can learn from in future dating relationships.
I was not sure if she meant by that meaning she was going to marry me.  She mentioned this about three weeks and explained it a little bit but not much.  For me, it came out of nowhere because I thought the last two previous dates went well.  The third date went really well and I thought we had chemistry.  Also, I thought the fourth date went well because she mentioned things felt natural.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Ephesians 6: Armor of God

In Ephesians Chapter 6, we are to put on the armor of God in all areas of our life.  The armor of God protects from Satan's tactics against us. The armor of God gives us the ability to withstand the ways that Satan tricks and deceives us.   God gives us tools to lead and protect his from Satan.  God knows our hearts and he will never lead us down a path that we cannot handle.
In Ephesians 6:10, we are to be remind ourselves that God is with us when Satan tempts us with evil tactics.   Verse 11 follows that in calling us to put on armor of God when we know that God is with us in these times.   In verse 12, some scholars some say this does not talk about rulers but different false gospels during that time.  While in closing verse 13, reminds that it is important we stand firm because of these false gospels and teaching.  When we stand firm in God's truth, he reminds us of the gospel.
Paul starts the next section by reminding us how important the Bible is in withstanding Satan's tactics.  He discusses how soldiers had a belt of truth they carried around in battle.  This follows into the next verse when Paul discusses how we are to have a readines given by the gospel of peace.  They means are to be vigilant when Satan attacks us.  We are to be on the offensive and defensive.  It is important we look for opportunities to share the gospel.
In the next section, Paul gives imagery of a solider and their shield protecting them in battle,  It protects them from enemies.  Faith gives us the ability to believe and trust who God says he is.  While Satan can cause us to doubt our faith.  As a Christian, when we take up the shield of faith, then we serve God's army (Joshua 5:14).
Paul transitions to the next section by explaining why we need a helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit.  The helmet protects a soldier in battle.  Our salvation is a one time eternal state.  It is important that we remind ourselves who we are in Christ.  The helmet of salvation gives us the ability to trust in God and Sword of the Spirit reminds us of specific verses when battling temptation.
Lastly, in Ephesians 6:18-20, Paul reminds us we are to pray  for God to move in various churches. It is also important we pray for boldness to share the gospel. He also prays for perseverance for him and various people that serve God.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Proverbs Intro

Today I will take a break from finishing Ephesians to start an introduction on a new series on Proverbs.  Proverbs is a book written by King David's son Solomon.  It details various saying and insight he received when he prayed for wisdom.
The first couple chapters of Proverbs talk about keeping pure then directing following it describes how to trust God in various times.  Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all of your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."  Proverbs also discusses warnings for following down paths that lead to sin.  It talks about how when we rely on God's wisdom, he keeps us from traversing down these paths.  God's wisdom also produces understanding and insight in certain situations.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Chapter 5: Imitate Christ

Paul transitions from having a unity with Christ and daily walking with him to becoming imitators of him in Chapter 5.  He starts by clearing showing how to become imitators of God.  Lastly,  he gives us a picture of what being imitators of God looks like in our daily life.  \
First, as imitators of God we are to walk in love as Christ loved us.  When we do this, we are to exhibit the qualities that come with Christ-likeness.   Also, we are to walk in love as a daily surrender to God.  We are to daily die to ourselves and our own desires.  It says in Luke 9:23, Whoever wants to be my disciple, must take up their cross daily and follow me." Imitating Christ's love for us should be a daily surrender for us.
Second, Paul describes how we should not walk in our former way of life before Christ.  We were already saved from this old life that Jesus Christ died for.  It is important we remind ourselves to keep walking with Christ so we do not fall into our old ways of life.  When we walk in the Spirit, we are not participating in the things of this world.  God calls us to use the time he has given us for his glory alone.
Lastly, being imitators of Christ means we act in a Christ-like manner toward our family.  Husbands are to be leaders of the household in this family relationship and are to love their wife's like Christ loved the church.  In verse 22, wives subject to their husbands is not a submissive term but it shows the husband is to be the leader in the relationship.  Both husband and wife have a special unity in their relationship.  This concept also goes back to Genesis 2:24 when God created man and woman.  Lastly, this section discusses how husbands should treat their wives like Jesus Christ treated us when he sacrificed his life for us.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Chapters 4: Walking with Jesus and living like him

In the middle half of Ephesians Paul transitions from a discussion about the gospel to how we should daily live our lives as believers.  He discusses this topic since he is a prisoner and he wants those in the church in Ephesus to walk in the Spirit.  Paul gives us a picture of how when we walk in the Spirit daily then we will slowly become imitators of Christ.
In Chapter 4,  Paul implies we are to walk with humility in how we live and interact with other people.  When we daily walk with Jesus in a humble and loving way, we will be united in the Spirit.  As we walk in the Spirit, then we will be able to build others up in the body of Christ and grow in maturity in our walk with Christ.  Also, through walking in the Spirit as Christians we will not taken back by anyone preaching false doctrine.  God will give us the strength to unite others in the body of Christ.
Paul then cautions the church of Ephesus to not live like their friends the Gentiles did in their former way of life.  He tells them to not live in their sinful nature but to put on the righteousness of Christ and holiness.  Those in the church of Ephesus are not build others up and not tear others down.  We are not to grieve the Holy Spirit by lashing out at others with anger.  As Christians, we are to be kind to one another and forgive others.
So,  let us walk in step with the Spirit the rest of this week.  We will be united in the Spirit when are daily walking with the Spirit and where he wants us to go.  Walking in the Spirit gives us the strength to walk and love not bitterness or anger.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Chapter 3: The Gospel

In Chapter 3 of Ephesians Paul talks about how the Gospel changes everything in our life.  It changes how we think, act, speak, and it informs all aspects of our life.   The Gospel shapes who we are as well.  The Gospel molds us into being more like Jesus Christ.  The Gospel is also life changing.
Lastly, God calls us to share the Gospel with other people.  This is further evidenced in the Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20 which says "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit teaching them all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  This Gospel of Jesus Christ is that: we are sinners because of Adam and Eve but God created the world for us to live in harmony with him,  we do things to get out of this cycle of sin/brokeness, God made us way for us out of this sin/brokeness by sending Jesus to bridge the gap for us by dying on cross for our sins and raising from the grave in three days.  Jesus calls us to surrender and believe in him.  Then we become a child of God and are called to go and tell others in brokeness.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Ephesians 1 and 2

In Ephesians 1, Paul talks about the inheritance we have in Christ.  God gives us all the blessings that he gives Jesus Christ.  In Ephesians 1:4, Paul talks about how God chose us before the foundation of the world.  This is a important concept that we need to remind ourselves of.  We are given these blessings by God through being adopted by God and we were sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 2, Paul talks about another product of this inheritance the grace given to us by faith in Jesus Christ.   Grace is unmerited favor toward someone.   Grace is a free gift of God given to us when we come to faith in Jesus Christ.  We are made alive in God through Jesus' death on the cross for our sins.  Grace is not something we have to work for or earn but it is a product of a faithfulness and maturity in Jesus Christ.
So, remember these concepts as we end the week.  These are important concepts to remember about our life in Jesus Christ.  These are important to know and remember as we live out our Christian faith.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Ephesians Intro

Ephesians helps us see the spiritual blessings we have come from Jesus Christ.  God chose us from the beginning of the world.  These blessings we have because we are adopted by God.  We are saved by grace alone not by faith.  The gospel forms all our actions.  As Christians, we are to walk in Christ.  When we walk in Christ, he molds us into his image.  God gives us strength and protections against the forces that come against us in this world.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

God knows where he wants us

God showed me today that his way our not our ways.  God's plans our bigger than us.  God's ways are higher, deeper, longer than we can ever imagine.  He is bigger than all our fears of our life.  That is why we need to keep trusting in who he is.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Trust God's will for my life

Today, I will discuss God's general will for our live.  Sometimes, we think we have to do this or that specific thing in our life.  God's will is for us grow in our relationship with him.  God desires us to do this my praying, reading the Bible, and writing down what he is teaching us.  His will is not some type of magic genie in the box thing.  His will for us is God molding us into his image through his Son, Jesus Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit.
One aspect of God's will is to daily surrender to what God's Spirit has for you that day.  This is done through Romans 12:1-2.  Romans 12:1-2 says, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  In this, God's will is accomplished by surrendering our daily struggles to him through Jesus he conforms the situation to his image and we grow by doing this.  Also,  the Holy Spirit convicts us on certain sins in our life.
Another aspect of God's will for our life is our growth into becoming more like Jesus Christ.  Paul says in Romans 8:28-29, "And we know for those who love God all things work together for good, for those that are called according to his purpose.  For those we foreknew he predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers."  God wants to use any good or bad situations in our life to grow us in him.  His will for our life is to be conformed to the image of his son, Jesus Christ.  We do this by daily abiding in Jesus Christ.
Lastly, God's will is for us to grow in maturity in his son, Jesus Christ.  Paul discusses growing in the maturity of Christ in Ephesians.  We are to grow up in the fullness and maturity of Christ.   God's will, is for us to become mature believers in Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit can prune out the bad fruit in our life so we can grow up in maturity in Christ.
How are you living in Go's will this week? I need to remind myself I am still in God's will though I am not where I want to be in life.  I am still in his will right now because I am following him and abiding in Jesus Christ.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Trust that God has a plan

This past week God has been reminding me that he has a plan for my life since it was my birthday last week.  A few friends were encouraging me that God still has a plan for me.  The Lord has been showing me that he is still working all things out for his image and glory in his timing. God knows what he is doing even when we do not see it.  We have to trust that he is still good and he will never let us down.
God is working out this new job at the YMCA through a friend.  A friend told me about this job fair a couple weeks ago.  I went two Saturdays ago and I will be hired in a week or two.  I filled out a few paperwork and an application at the job fair.  Now, after filling out this background check and references I will be able to start at the YMCA.
Lastly, I am hoping through a few connections I can find a ministry position in God's timing.  I will meet with Joe Ward from Travis Avenue Baptist Church next week.  Also, I will e-mail Amanda Beardshaw, the Children's Minister next week. I e-mailed a few friends about possible connections too.  I am waiting to hear back in regards to the First Baptist White Settlement Children's Minister position.  I interviewed for the position about three to four weeks ago.
God is still working and moving in my life.  I have to trust in his good and perfect plan.  He is still good in the midst of waiting. God wants to remind me of Proverbs 3:5-6 this next week.   I will blog about God's will next week.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

He is Lord over everything in our life

In Mark 5:21-43,  Jesus heals a woman who had been sick with a disease for many years and a synagogue's daughter.  This shows that he is Lord over all things in our life.  Jesus shows these people he is Lord over sickness and family struggles in our lives.  In all these circumstances, he calls these certain people to have faith.  They had faith in him and he performed a mighty work in their lives.
At the beginning of the story, the synagogue ruler saw Jesus as he crossed over to the shore and he steadfastly asked Jesus to come because his daughter was near death.  Then a large crowd started following him and pressed on him.  A woman came up to Jesus who had a blood sickness for twelve years came up on him.  She pressed on his cloak, hoping he would heal her.   Then Jesus realized power from him had gone forth and asked who touched him.  
Jesus looked around and saw the woman who had touched him. She told him everything that happened to her.   He told the woman "daughter your faith has saved you, go in peace."  The woman trusted Jesus in faith despite her sickness.   She surrendered to trust and he worked in her life.
The officials were cautioning the synagogue ruler to bother Jesus anymore but Jesus would not have it.  In verse 36, Jesus calls the officials and ruler to believe who he is.  The synagogue ruler had faith and believed Jesus would heal his daughter.  In verse 39, "Jesus says the child has not died, but is asleep."  In verse 41 and 42, Jesus mutters some Hebrew words and heals the synagogue ruler's daughter.
God calls us to believe and trust him in all circumstances in our life.  As believers, we are to surrender all sickness and family struggles to Jesus.  Jesus knows what we need, he will go to the Father with struggles.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Trust that he is still working

God has been reminding me that I have to trust that he is still working in my life.  He will still work in our life even when we do not know it.  Also, he can still work in our life though we cannot see it.   There's a song that goes I will walk by faith when we I cannot see by an old contemporary Christian artist.  It means we still have to trust God in faith in specific situations in our life.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Know that he is still good

God has been reminding me that he is still good in the waiting.  He still has our good for us.  He still has a good purpose for us. His will is good, pleasing, and perfect in our lives. God knows what he is doing though at times it is hard to trust he is still good but he is because he loves us.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

God encourages and he will provide

God shown me through a recent interview that he will provide for me.  He encouraged me to show me that he is still working in my life for my good.  He has a good plan and a purpose for my life.  I need to remember that he is still working in and for me despite waiting for his timing.   If Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert for 40 days then I can wait for God's timing for a job I can enjoy.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

God is able

God has been showing me that he is able to accomplish all things in his timing.  He is using other people in my life to show he is still moving and working.  In this showing me he is able, he has been reminding me he will provide me a job and wife in his timing.   It says in 1 Corinthians 4:17, "For all light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." This reminds me that God is able to work all things out for my good and he is using my struggles to glorify him.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Trust God is still working

At times, we have to trust that God is still working.  God showed me through a pastor that called me about meeting in regards a possible job.  The pastor said after we were talking that he has my name written down and he is praying for me.  It showed me that God is still working in my life.  He is working all things for me in his timing.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

God's love for us and truths about who God says we are

God reminded me Wednesday night that his love for us is endless.  God will bring us back from whatever depths we have fallen because he loves us.  God will do anything and everything because he loves us.  Also, God reminded me that it's not what others say about us, it's what God says about us.  It's a simple truth that God says he will use us, has a purpose, for us, and has a plan for us.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Content with who I am: God has given me all I need for life and Godliness

God has called me to be content in him and my walk with him.  God has given me all that I want and need for life through Godliness.  He gives me what I need through his Holy Spirit to mature us in him.  He grows us in his Holy Spirit and matures us in him.  We do not need another person to grow in Christ.  God will give us that person in his timing.
Peter says in 2 Peter 1:3-7 that his divine power has given us everything in life and godliness.  Also, in verse four Peter says he has called his into his into his family so he could give us his promises.  In the next two verses Peter describes how God gives us faith and perseverance through godliness.  Through this godliness he matures in his self-control, kindness, and love.  These occur as we grow in our walk with Jesus Christ.
Contentment is about knowing Jesus is all we need for life and godliness.  God will mature us in him whether we have a wife or not.  We have to rely on his Spirit for guidance.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Contentment that God knows what I need

God also has been showing me that he knows what I need.  He will provide for me in his timing.  He knows the right job and wife for me.  I need to trust in his plan and timing.  It is a reminder that God's timing is not our timing.
In Matthew 6:33, Jesus calls us to seek him and his kingdom and he will provide for us.  "Jesus says as a cure to anxiety, to "seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."  He says this to those that are worried about daily provisions.  Jesus puts a different spin on those struggling with those providing for themselves.
We as Christians must seek his kingdom and his glory daily.   God will provide for us in his timing.  God knows what we need for our daily provisions.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Contentment in general

God is teaching me to be contentment with my lot in life.  He is showing me that I need to be content in my current situation.  He is showing me that I need to be contentment with who God is and his power in my life.  Also, he is showing me that I have to be content with many friends or a few friends. It is important to be content whether married or single.   Lastly, I have to be content with a high paying job or low paying job.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

God is with me always

Lately God has been reminding me that he is still with me at all times in my life.  God has shown me that he is still working in my life even in the waiting for where he would have me serve him.  The Psalms describe how God is our shield, fortress, and protector.  They also describe how his presence goes before us every day.  Psalm 139 describes how we cannot get away from his presence, he hems us in, and he holds us together at all times.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Trust God with the little things and he will provide the big things

God has been reminding me to trust him with the little things and he will provide the big things in life for me.  This right now involves where he wants me to work or serve him.  Also, he wants me to trust that he is working and leading me right now.  When we trust him with the small things in life, he will provide the big things in his timing.
Proverbs 3 talks about trusting God with everything and acknowledging him in all that we say and do.  Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."  When we trust God with everything in life and acknowledge him in everything we do, he will lead us where he wants us to go.  Trusting him in the small things in life, will allow us to trust him in the big things in life.  It is a important reminder that trusting God with certain aspects in our life is a daily process.
Lastly, this process is about daily abiding in Christ.  It is giving to God certain circumstances in life and allowing them to mold us into his image.  It is a reminder that he is in control of these circumstances  We have to remind ourselves he still has a plan for us in the midst of it all.  Who or what do you need to trust God with this year?

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