
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Spiritual Contentment

I am writing to you today about Spiritual Contentment.  I have become content in good or bad circumstances throughout the years with the ability to rejoice in these times.
God has helped be become content in any and every circumstances over the past six years.  Through different circumstances my senior year of high school to after I graduated from college he has helped me become more content with things in life.
Paul talked about this way of spiritual contentment in Philippians 4:11-12.
 It says this, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty of living in want."
He has helped me realize the he will bring me through any situation I'm in.  He has given me the assurance that he is in control and I have to trust in his provision.  I have had to rejoice in whatever situation I'm in, knowing that he used it for his purpose.  His ways are not our ways.  He has different methods of accomplishing his purpose in our life.
I have been able to be more content in him lately since graduating from college.  He has helped realize I just need to rest in him.  I have come to realize through this time that my problems are small compared to the bigness of God.  There's nothing in my life that he can't handle.
I have had the frustrations of trying to find a job over the past year.  It has also been hard trying to figure out what to do with my life.  It has been a crazy year of good and bad times all mixed together.  It has helped me at times to be content in my situation that God had put me in and know that he put me in that situation for a purpose that he had in mind.
We have to remind ourselves that we can give to him any struggle or situation we are facing in our life.  We have to rejoice in his mercy.  In this, we will know that in him he will give us life and life to the full.
The ability to be content in different circumstances is a constant process.  A process of continual rest and rejoicing in Jesus Christ.  If we bring our situations and struggles to him, he will help us become content in anything and everything in life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Burdens that weigh us down

Today I am going to be blogging about burdens that weigh us down inside.
Sometimes we have these burdens that seep inside our us and weigh us down.  They are in our minds and we can't let go of them.  It almost feels as if they grab a hold of us as they weigh us down.
They can come in big form or small form in our life.  They could also just pop up out of nowhere one day.  It could be a problem we have had that we can't shake or a recently recurring problem.  Whatever burden you have it frustrates you inside.  It makes you wonder why is this or that not working out right now?
I feel as if my driving problems of the past have become a burden in my life now.  I graduated college little more than a year ago and I've been trying to find someone to drive with or find a way to drive by myself again.  It affects everything in my personal life and sometimes career wherever that takes me.  I know God used my frustrations with my wrecks in the past for my growth somehow but there has to be a way I can overcome this right now.  I just have find a way to overcome this right now.
I feel as if I don't overcome this it will hinder the rest of my life.  I haven't driven by myself since my senior year in high school.  I am known by many though I haven't had a date with a girl other than BYX formals and high school prom.
My driving problems I think make me feel trapped sometimes and pulled down.  I want to have that power like everyone else to control the roadways and live life.  The ability to drive we can also control where we want to go in life.
The thing my driving problems have made me do is become more open and honest with people about my struggles.  It has helped me become truthful in all that I say and all that I do.  The frustrations has brought me to my knees to realize how we all have struggles inside of us.
I have thought recently that God used my wrecks in high school and driving problems today to conform me to his image.
Romans 8:28-29, says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be firstborn among many brothers."
I have had to remind myself that God is in control of my frustrations.  He is bigger than my problems here and now on this earth.
I have to remind myself that I need to trust in God.  I have to try to rely on him until I can overcome my burdens that weigh me down daily.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Free blog Tuesday today

It's free blog Tuesday today I am posting a Christian song I wrote during this past year that describes the growth in Christ I have experienced lately in my life.  It describes how Jesus has changed me and helped me mature in my faith and trust in him.  It shows how I have been able to give up everything in my life to Jesus because of the past faith that God has shown me.  The ability to do that has been awesome. So, enjoy the song and the blog today whoever reads it.
O Lord where will you lead
Verse I
Searching for a job I try not to hit myself on a door knob
Then I grab a piece of corncob
It’s rather tasty
But rather flakey
I think to myself God is in control
He is bigger than a butter roll
He would do a jig when we graduate to be with him
He would embrace us with a whim
Chorus:  O Lord where will you lead,
            O Lord where will you lead,
            O Lord where will you lead
Verse II
I know I have to trust in you in all I have
Even in the good and the bad
Keep presenting myself to you in all that I do
Who hoo
Lord, you are maturing in me
As quick as can be
But I know growing in you is a process
I can’t get bogged down by the excess
Verse III
Of the stress of this life
Lord you have overcome
This momentary earthly life
That isn’t worth all our strife
I give up everything to you
Because you are all I know
Chorus: O Lord where will you lead,
            O Lord where will you lead,
            O Lord where will you lead

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Living in a community

Today I will be blogging about the experience of living in community and the impact it has on people's lives.  It is truly one of the best experiences that one can have with people.
Last summer, while I was at Discipleship Focus we had a great group of guys in our cabin.  We lived together for three months last summer going through the study, Discovery, and working at our different jobs.  We went from not knowing much about each other early in the summer to knowing a lot about each other.  Our cabin was able to get to know each other well by living life with each other daily.  Through this community setting, we found  out each other's likes and dislikes.
Each cabin at Notch Pines had cabin nights throughout the summer.  It is there where truly bonded with one another.  We became our goofy, crazy, selves for one night during cabin night.  For our last cabin night we dressed as nerds.   We also performed the infamous "Little Boys in White T-shirts," which will live on in D-focus lore as a banned skit.
Another experience of community being lived out, was when I did work crew in the Pitts at Frontier Ranch.  During that month of the summer, we had five guys and a Pitts boss working together to wash the dishes every night.  We grew to get to know each other during that month at Frontier Ranch.  During the end of the night, we were able to joke and be goofy all the while getting the job done in a timely manner.  Our group became a closely knit group by the end of month at Frontier Ranch.
Frontier Ranch is a Young Life in Buena Vista, Colorado where high school kids come to the message of Jesus Christ every week during the summer.
Last weekend God reminded me of the great community that I have had in my life as well.  I hung out with some good friends from high school part of the weekend.  I met up with some of my best friends from TCU Jim Douglas and Stefanie Grows.  I also hung out with my best friend and his family in Fort Worth and saw Zach Hughes get married.  It truly was a great weekend.
God provided the Moore's house for me to live in and with last weekend.  I am thankful for their generosity.
The joy of seeing some of these friends has helped me realize some things.  It is given me further confirmation of the future.
God has been reminding me that he will provide me with community wherever I go and whatever I do.  He has also been saying to me that I thrive the most in a community setting

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I experienced a great weekend with friends this weekend and also visited the Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary.  This weekend gave me some confirmations on some things in my life.
This weekend gave me a confirmation that Fort Worth is where God wants me to be.  I like the small town atmosphere of the city.  It was great that my friends from Friendswood were able to experience the town.
I was able to hang out with one of my best friends from TCU this weekend.  He has been an encouragement to me in the past year since I graduated.  He has helped me through the good times and bad.  His encouraging nature on my future has helped me in my growth.  I was also able to meet with one of my friends that is a girl that I knew really well at TCU that helped me confirm some things in my life.
I was able to take a tour of the Southwestern seminary in Fort Worth and have lunch with one of the professors in the area I would be studying.  It further encouraged me in my desire to pursue where God wants me and what he wants me to do with my life.  The professor I met with had a great desire and passion for youth ministry.  I was encouraged that this opportunity at seminary could help me in my future ministry.
God has been opening and closing some doors in the past year since I graduated from college.  He has used different situations to help me grow stronger in him.  He has been showing me that I need to trust him with the little things and big things in my life.  The Christian life is a walk not a run.
He has surrounded me with some great friends in my life that have confirmed what my joys and passions are in life.

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