
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It's amazing to think what God can do in people's lives in one summer of living in community together.  It's crazy how God changed my circumstances last summer so I could be at Dicipleship Focus.  He used that circumstance so I could grow in him.  He led me there so I could also meet my awesome cabin and small group this summer.  I forever am grateful to the best summer ever with the best small group that includes: Ray Pettigrew, Keegan Evans, Carlyle Aguren aka Criendleback/creator of the song "Use a shawty", Jeremy Savage, Dan "the man" Anderson,and Marty Martens.  I thank God for leading me to our awesome cabin where we performed the epic "Little Boys in White T-shirts" skit which was banned in D-focus lore.  Last weekend was awesome seeing some of those people from one of the best summers of my life.  I want my friends from last summer to remember what God taught them last summer as well.  Tuesday nights will never be the same in my life.  We have to remind ourselves daily we can't produce anything worth of spiritual significance on our own.  We have to be desperately dependent on God for everything in our life- John 15:5.  I just need to remind myself to keep presenting to him in all that I am and all that I do.  God wants us to surrender everything to him with an attitude of supplication because he wants to be with us.  I have been reading Practice in the Presence of God lately, that has made me realize how much I need to abide in Jesus and how simple it is to converse with our Savior throughout the day and tell him what is on our mind. He is in control.  He is trustworthy. Those things I need to remind myself of daily, sometimes I forget about constantly.  The last thing I will say is I hope my D-focus check out this post.  Soon, I will be starting a series on abiding in Christ in my next couple posts.  The Abiding series is two posts after this one so check that one out as well.

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