
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The only thing we can do

The main thing we drives us as Christians when all else fails is dependence on God.  Dependence on God is key in all aspects of our Christian walk.  It facilitates our growth in our walk with Christ.
John describes this dependence on God the most important thing we do as Christians.  John 15:1-5 says that we are to be connected to the vine Jesus in all that we do.  By surrendering to Jesus, the vine, we the branches will grow exponentially. A relationship with Jesus produces fruit in our lives. John 15:5 says, "Apart from me you can do nothing."
When we as Christians aren't depending on God then there is no fruit in our lives.  We become like the fig tree that Jesus describes as withering away because it has no root.
Consequently, when we are desperately dependent on God in all that we do we produce fruit and growth in our walk with God.  Through this dependence the fruits of the Spirit are in our lives.  These are shown in Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control."  God gives us these simple qualities by relying on him in all things.  This qualities God transformed in my life during times such as graduating from college, peace in relationships, in my summer working at D-focus, and at this present time.
God's Spirit moved through the disciples in Acts in the early church and helped them depend on him despite their weaknesses.  Peter disowned Jesus three times before Jesus was put on the cross and yet God's Holy Spirit came on him and helped him depend on him.  The disciples doubted Jesus when he was resurrected but still the Holy Spirit used them mightily. The disciples were given joy and peace when persecuted by the Sanhedrin.  They were given the ability to love others like Jesus did.
God calls us to stand firm and depend on him hardship or persecution.  We are to hold fast to his promises; Hebrews 11:1.  He is faithful when we are not.
To close out this blog, here is an article that describes the persecution that is rampant in America today.  This persecution is taking place in the form of our government and president of the United States.  He has pulled away from our true values. America is supposed to be the land of the free and the brave.  I saw the Jackie Robinson movie this weekend and was reminded that we are a country about freedom, equality, and standing for biblical values.
So, let us be desperately dependent on God for everything in our life.  In this, we cling to John 15:5 and it's truth for us.

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