
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Contentment Part I

I have had a really hard time with being content lately.  God is trying to remind me to be content in my walk with him in everything will be given to me.  It has been frustrating not being able to drive and also the fact that  a lot of my friends from high school and college are married.
God calls us to seek him and love him before all else.  It says in Matthew 6:33 NIV, "But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  The texts surrounding this passage involve not worrying about life but trusting God will provide for us.  He is the ultimate provider for our needs.  We can't worry about the future when it is in God's hands.
The apostle Paul talks about abiding in God in John 15 and loving him above all else.  In his description of these things, he says Jesus is the source of everything.  If we are in Christ, then all things will be provider for us.  Giving up our lives to him will help us abide in him and love others they way he has called us to.  These are one of the ultimate keys to the Christian life.
Lastly, in an overall sense I need to remind myself that being content is knowing that God has what I need in any and every situation.  In  Philippians 4:11, Paul says "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation."  That is how I need to live my life daily.
God has called us to be content in everything and he will provide.  I need to trust that he will give me the right job, wife, and future in due time.  Being content is an art I am still working on perfecting it.

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