
Sunday, June 9, 2013

A clear conscience

Lately God has been convicting me to clear my conscience.  This stems from something I have done a couple times.  It is not really bad but it is just merely a check on my integrity. Someone from this mission trip application called me out on something that I did. I have had to confess some things to God in order to clear my conscience.
In order for us to grow in our relationship with God we must have a clear conscience.  This principle is discussed in Hebrews 9:1-14.  This passage is speaking to the Hebrew people that are caught up in their old way of living in giving sacrifices to please God.
The principle of having a clear conscience is taught we are little and do something.  We confess to our parents and friends that we committed an act against them to clear our conscience.
A clear conscience keeps us whole and pure as we come to God.  The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that cleanse our conscience.  He makes us whole in Christ alone and by his blood we are set free.
A conscience that is not clean can pull us down in life.  It can hurt our relationship with Christ.  An unclean conscience can also cause guilt and a selfish nature.  A defiled conscience pulls us into Satan's thorns of attacking us and who we are in Christ.  These things throw us off the path that God has set for us.
Hebrews 9:9 discusses how we cannot bring any gifts or sacrifices to clear our conscience.  Also, verse 13 describes how we can't earn a clear conscience.  We can't clear our conscience on our own.  It will lead to no avail.
The only thing that can make our conscience new is the blood of Jesus; Hebrews 9:14. This helps us serve God we all we have.  It also renews our relationship with him.  Lastly, it gives us a sense of humbleness.
What is God causing us to see as we look at having a clear conscience in this passage? How is God's will shown in this passage? Is the a way we can better clear our conscience on a daily basis?

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