
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Trusting God

Trusting God is really hard.  God has brought me through some hard times in my life.  In these times, he has helped me trust him with all I am and have.
Everyone has had trouble trusting God in their life. Even the prophets and some of the most influential people in the Bible.  Moses didn't think God could use him to speak and minister to the people.  God would end up using Aaron to speak through Moses.  Jesus at times had trouble trusting God.  He surrendered his life to God in total trust and died on the cross for our sins.
Sometimes I have had trouble trusting God with my driving problems.  It's hard not having a car and not being able to drive.  I used to get mad at God during high school when I first ended up not being able to drive when hearing of my disability that affects my driving problems. At times I think it is God's plan for me to struggle with this disability while other times I just get frustrated.  It hinders my life and where I want to go and do in the future.
I learned through D-focus a summer discipleship program I did that God can give us faith if we trust him with our struggles in life.  During that next year, I surrendered my attitudes, struggles, and what I was facing to God and he gave me great faith. God also showed me that he is sovereign over all things.
God brings hard times in our life to conform us to his image.  That is also his purpose to conform his to his image and for us to know and understand him.  This truth of God using things to conform is to his image is found in Romans 8:28-29.
God is faith to us and we most of the time are not faithful to him. That is what I learned in my Old Testament class last semester.  God wants to the best for us and  he loves us abundantly are two truths I need to cling to daily when I struggle in trusting God.  God is isn't too big for any struggle in my life is another thing I need to remind myself of when struggling with trusting God.
I have to remind myself to trust God with all of my life.  I can't do this life on my own.  We as Christians, are desperately dependent on God for everything in our life; John 15:5.

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