
Monday, September 26, 2011


Some people have doubts have hard times in their life.  Other times, people may doubt the choices they make in certain situations.
Jesus casts away all doubt and fear in our life.  He can do this only by our depending on him and trusting in him. Jesus says in Matthew, 11:28-30 "come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened."  Even the great John the Baptist who foretold the future coming of Jesus doubted.  One of Jesus' disciples Thomas doubted that Jesus was resurrected from the dead.
This concept is not limited to some people.  All people in some way, shape, or form have doubts about things in life.  Some are decisions they should have made or regrets from the past.  Other ways to doubt if this is the right thing to do in a certain situation.  If this move is the right move or wrong one.  We have to analyze our motives and make sure we do not stress over these things.
Sometimes I doubt whether this choice was the right one or that one was.  I will stress out over certain situations that I may come across in my life.
I just need to remind myself that he is in control of my life.  God wants the best for us no matter what we may think or do.  We have to give our fears, stresses, and doubts of this world to God.
Jesus wants all we are and all we have.  We can't hold anything back from him during any hard time or good in our lives.

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