
Saturday, July 14, 2012

One true God

For the past week and a half I have been in Chang Mai, Thailand.  This trip has been a whirlwind of things that God has been teaching me lately.  Some of these things I will discuss will help mold me in the future.
First, God has reminded me that he is the one true God in the midst a culture here that worships idols and uses meditation to gain perfection.  God has imparted to me that he is bigger than Buddha and all these idols Buddhists worship.  Christianity is a self less way of life while Buddhists only care about doing good for themselves.  At monk chat yesterday, I got the impression that these monks only cared about themselves how one of the monks describes the process of doing good in gaining good karma for only themselves.
Second, God helped me become me patient with others in general.  God gave me patience when discussing the frustrating things about Buddhism during monk chat yesterday.  God also worked through me in giving me patience in sharing Jesus with the students at Chang Mai, University.
God has been using me in two ways: through my testimony and just telling the students about our sinful nature and, how Jesus had to die on the cross for us, was put in the tomb, rose on third day, and through believing in Jesus we have eternal life.  We have also been using Christian Thai translators on the trip, which has been really helpful.  One of the days we were out at Chang Mai University one of the translators told her testimony to one of the students.
As I end this blog remember that our God in heaven and earth in the one true God.  We also have to let God give us patience when ministering to others that don't know him.

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