
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Things we can glean from the movie 1917

There are some important concepts that we can glean from the movie 1917.  It made me think of certain aspects in the Christian life that are important.  The movie brought to light certain themes that we can apply to our life.  It also made me think of those themes in terms of the war.   The movie helped me see why these themes are so important.
The first theme that was important was importance of sharing the gospel.  This theme occurred throughout the movie when the two soldiers were walking across enemy lines to deliver the message of an impending attack. This helps us see the importance of spreading the message of the gospel every day.  The gospel means "good news."  Jesus tells disciples in Matthew 28:16-20, to "go into the world and tell others about him and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them all that I have commanded you."
The second theme I saw in the movie was edification.  The two soldiers encouraged each other on their journey.  When one of the soldiers died, the soldier took the others belongings and vowed to tell the other soldiers brother about him.  At the very end of the movie, Colonel William told Officer Blake's brother about his death.  He gave him his brother's possessions about told Blake's brother about how we fought valiantly before he died.
Movies can help us see certain themes in our life or in a theological sense.  This is why I love to watch movies.  They bring out certain important principles in life.  I hope we can see themes even in simple movies as well.  Lastly, movies give us a sense of how to apply certain principles shown in our life.

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