Paul asks this question is the book of Acts and in some of his letters in the Prison Epistles. It is a question that we should be asking as Christians as we live out our life every day. We have to examine and ask God does God want us share about him certain situations as well as where he is leading us in life.
In my life this applies in asking and looking at specific ministry jobs that he is leading me to. God is calling me to ask him the pertinent question, "Is this where you are leading or "Is this where you are leading me." In these instances, I am also asking God, "Is this a great fit for me personally." I am seeking God's direction as to where God will use me the best when I am asking these questions. They seek to show an introspective on God's greatness and leading.
In reading the book of Acts lately God has revealed to me that I need to ask this question for often. Jesus says in Matthew 7:7-8 and Revelation 3:20 if we seek him then it will be given to you. When we seek after God then he will provide for us in life. Lastly, in Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This truth reminds us that we are to be bold in serving and telling others about him then he will provide for us.
Lastly, this question can help us trust God more. It will help put our struggles in whatever we are waiting on and help remind us the God is in control. This question can further embody our trust in God and our ability to abide in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
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