The first principle I will discuss revolves around the fact that many people around the world and in other religions try to do good to get to heaven. Buddhists try to do good in order to get good karma to get to a certain level of heaven. They believe if they do enough good Karma then they will get to that level of heaven and their good Karma will outweigh the bad Karma. While Muslims believe that they have to follow the five pillars in order to be accepted into heaven by Allah. Jesus died on the cross so that we do not have to try to do good to get to heaven anymore but by trusting in him he gives us the strength to live for him.
The second principle that God showed me is that nobody comes to the Father without knowing Jesus Christ. In Islam, Muslims believe that Allah is separated himself from man and that Jesus Christ is a prophet. If Jesus was just a prophet, then why are there other references in John of him being equated with God? The many signs and miracles that Jesus did are equated with that of Moses in Islam.
The last principle that God showed me through the Thailand mission trip was that all truths essentially point back to God. This principle helps us as followers of Christ reason with Buddhists and lead them to a discussion about God. It is hard for other people of other religions to understand that 1 times 1 three times equals 1, thus showing how the Trinity of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit works in union with each other. Absolute truths give us a way to point out who the one true God in heaven and earth truly is. This principle gives us the concepts and discernment to guide people to the greatness of God.
These truths I am going to put into practice in my day to day walk with God. They are helpful for engaging and sharing with those who don't know Christ. Who are you going to share with about Jesus Christ today? What truths is God teaching us?
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