
Thursday, June 20, 2013

God's sovereignty over our lives

God's sovereignty can be defined as the supreme encumbered ruler of all things.  He alone is independent in his power, wisdom, and freedom.  God does not need us but wants an intimate relationship with us daily.
During certain times in my life I was going through  hard times, God showed me he was sovereign.  He first helped me realize that he is sovereign and in control at D-focus in the summer of 2010.  Then, in the next year of my year he helped me put this truth into practice.  He showed he is in control of my life through that time in leading me to seminary.  Looking back, I can see that he was in control of that my life when I had a car wreck my junior year in high school.
He is in control in his power.  There are 100 billion stars and 100 billion galaxies in the universe.  Psalm 147:4-5 says God "counts the stars by name.  How great is our God.  He alone is absolute." The sun is 32.5 million miles from earth.  God used his power to bring us into relationship with him so we could be joint heirs with Christ in Isiah 52:10.
He is in control in his wisdom.  Psalm 139:1-4 says that God knows everything about us, our thoughts, and what we will do yesterday and tomorrow.  Everything that happens to us each day God knows.  He is supreme in his wisdom and knowledge about our lives.  He is omnipresent.
He is control in his freedom.  God is incomparable to nothing.  Our God is independent on his own.  If he didn't freedom, then he wouldn't be sovereign.
Knowing that God is in control will help us trust him more.  If we know that he is in control that will help us trust God in anything that happens to us in the present, past, and future.  Right now, I am having to trust with this YL int trip and my future after seminary.
1 Chronicles 29:11 describes God's complete sovereignty over our lives.  King David says "Yours O Lord is  the greatness, and the glory and the power, everything in the heavens and the earth is yours.  Yours is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all."  He is in control of even the small minute details that happen to us daily.  Job 23:10 says "But God knows everything detail of what is happening to me." Our God is always with us every step of the way even when we refuse to acknowledge him.
As I close this post I want to ask the readers a couple questions.  What has God shown us through his sovereignty? How was God's will shown through this attribute of God? Is there a way we can apply this truth to our lives daily?

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