
Saturday, February 25, 2023


 A couple weeks ago Justin Flores preached on Ecclesiastes 3 and he talked about Solomon describing the changing seasons in our life.    Solomon described how there is a time to die, a time for birth, and etc.   In verses 9-10, Solomon talks about how he has seen every burden under the sun.   He concludes in verse 13, saying that we should enjoy the specific gifts of God that he has given us.  Justin touched on verse 14 in depth, describing God immutable nature.  

Immutability is a theological term which describes the fact that God never changes.   Isaiah talks about how the grass withers but God never changes.   Verse 14 in Ecclesiastes talks about how God endures forever.    Justin described how even when our seasons change, God never changes.   God is eternal; he is never ceasing.  

God has been reminding me of this in this season that I am in.   I am seeking God's leading for a Children's Ministry position.   Amanda and I are seeking God were God is leading us to live.   God is reminding me he is never changing.   He never ceases or changes.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

6 months

 It's amazing that today would be six months of dating my girlfriend Amanda Love.  Neither of us have had much experience in dating and relationships.   It's also crazy that God led us to this long-distance relationship in our first serious relationship.    We have had some hard conversations, but God has been faithful in bringing us through those times.    It's interesting how God used the circumstances of this Christian Singles meet up in middle of August so we could meet.   God showed Amanda it was his will for her to move to Austin so we could meet.  

It has been a great relationship where we both encourage each other in our faith.   Also, we are both building each other up in seeking God's will for our life.   Both of us are seeking God's direction for career type stuff.   We are both trusting in God's goodness, direction, and provision for our life.   It's interesting we are both working part time jobs that we do not enjoy.  

There have been some hard conversations we have had in our relationship so far.  Even in those hard conversations, we are willing to work through anything to make the relationship flourish.   We are willing to work together with any older couples and mentors so we can come together.    I feel like we both want to make this relationship work despite some differences.   As a couple, we recognize how God has brought us together these past six months.  

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