God multiplied our apartment ministry this past week when two other workers in the harvest joined us. We had been praying for other laborers in the harvest to reach the community for Christ. Also, Jesus has been it on our heart to pray for more women to go pray/share with people in the apartment complex. We need other women to connect and encourage two women in the apartment that were not connected to a church. The Holy Spirit used me to share the 3 circles with a young girl about elementary age on Thursday night in my apartment complex.
A few friends and I are praying Luke 10:2 this weekend that God would provide other people to come alongside us to pray and share with the lost. Luke 10:2 says, "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few, Therefore pray to the Lord of harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." At first, we started with just Nate Roberts and I then it multiplied to three. For about three to four weeks it was Me, Nate, and Stephen Cahill. Lastly week, God multiplied our apartment ministry group to four people, if Nate and his friend come next week it could be six people.