God has been reminding me that he desires a Proverbs 31 woman for my life. Sometimes I look to the outside of a woman's appearance more than her heart. At work at Home Depot, I have been struggling with lust off and on. God has been revealing to me that I need to desire what is a woman's heart not just her outward appearance. 1 Samuel 8:9 says, "For God see not as a man sees, for a man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart."
King Lamuel who wrote this Proverb describes this type of woman as one who works hard, has strong integrity, speaks wisdom and truth, and has inside beauty as well as outside beauty. This type of woman is that others praise her for how hard she works. People see something different in her because of her kindness and strength. Also, she serves others in the community and in the household. Proverbs 31 and 34 describe this type of woman making certain garments for her household and also her community.
Lastly, this type of woman fear the Lord, Proverbs 31:20 describes her best when the oracle says, "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Another definition for fear means to revere God. This type of woman reverses God in his glory, strength, and power. A specific type of person that fears God puts him first in all things and loves others well. A godly woman that fears the one true God is one to be desired, verse 10 says, "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." As men we should desire godly women who fear God and love others well.
What type of woman are you looking for? Are you looking to the inside of a woman's heart and not the outside? It is important as men we look to the heart of women and not just their appearance. We need to examine how they treat others in the community and live out their faith. Lastly, we need to ask ourselves does this woman fear God and not man/women?