
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Chapter 5: Imitate Christ

Paul transitions from having a unity with Christ and daily walking with him to becoming imitators of him in Chapter 5.  He starts by clearing showing how to become imitators of God.  Lastly,  he gives us a picture of what being imitators of God looks like in our daily life.  \
First, as imitators of God we are to walk in love as Christ loved us.  When we do this, we are to exhibit the qualities that come with Christ-likeness.   Also, we are to walk in love as a daily surrender to God.  We are to daily die to ourselves and our own desires.  It says in Luke 9:23, Whoever wants to be my disciple, must take up their cross daily and follow me." Imitating Christ's love for us should be a daily surrender for us.
Second, Paul describes how we should not walk in our former way of life before Christ.  We were already saved from this old life that Jesus Christ died for.  It is important we remind ourselves to keep walking with Christ so we do not fall into our old ways of life.  When we walk in the Spirit, we are not participating in the things of this world.  God calls us to use the time he has given us for his glory alone.
Lastly, being imitators of Christ means we act in a Christ-like manner toward our family.  Husbands are to be leaders of the household in this family relationship and are to love their wife's like Christ loved the church.  In verse 22, wives subject to their husbands is not a submissive term but it shows the husband is to be the leader in the relationship.  Both husband and wife have a special unity in their relationship.  This concept also goes back to Genesis 2:24 when God created man and woman.  Lastly, this section discusses how husbands should treat their wives like Jesus Christ treated us when he sacrificed his life for us.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Chapters 4: Walking with Jesus and living like him

In the middle half of Ephesians Paul transitions from a discussion about the gospel to how we should daily live our lives as believers.  He discusses this topic since he is a prisoner and he wants those in the church in Ephesus to walk in the Spirit.  Paul gives us a picture of how when we walk in the Spirit daily then we will slowly become imitators of Christ.
In Chapter 4,  Paul implies we are to walk with humility in how we live and interact with other people.  When we daily walk with Jesus in a humble and loving way, we will be united in the Spirit.  As we walk in the Spirit, then we will be able to build others up in the body of Christ and grow in maturity in our walk with Christ.  Also, through walking in the Spirit as Christians we will not taken back by anyone preaching false doctrine.  God will give us the strength to unite others in the body of Christ.
Paul then cautions the church of Ephesus to not live like their friends the Gentiles did in their former way of life.  He tells them to not live in their sinful nature but to put on the righteousness of Christ and holiness.  Those in the church of Ephesus are not build others up and not tear others down.  We are not to grieve the Holy Spirit by lashing out at others with anger.  As Christians, we are to be kind to one another and forgive others.
So,  let us walk in step with the Spirit the rest of this week.  We will be united in the Spirit when are daily walking with the Spirit and where he wants us to go.  Walking in the Spirit gives us the strength to walk and love not bitterness or anger.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Chapter 3: The Gospel

In Chapter 3 of Ephesians Paul talks about how the Gospel changes everything in our life.  It changes how we think, act, speak, and it informs all aspects of our life.   The Gospel shapes who we are as well.  The Gospel molds us into being more like Jesus Christ.  The Gospel is also life changing.
Lastly, God calls us to share the Gospel with other people.  This is further evidenced in the Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20 which says "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit teaching them all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  This Gospel of Jesus Christ is that: we are sinners because of Adam and Eve but God created the world for us to live in harmony with him,  we do things to get out of this cycle of sin/brokeness, God made us way for us out of this sin/brokeness by sending Jesus to bridge the gap for us by dying on cross for our sins and raising from the grave in three days.  Jesus calls us to surrender and believe in him.  Then we become a child of God and are called to go and tell others in brokeness.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Ephesians 1 and 2

In Ephesians 1, Paul talks about the inheritance we have in Christ.  God gives us all the blessings that he gives Jesus Christ.  In Ephesians 1:4, Paul talks about how God chose us before the foundation of the world.  This is a important concept that we need to remind ourselves of.  We are given these blessings by God through being adopted by God and we were sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 2, Paul talks about another product of this inheritance the grace given to us by faith in Jesus Christ.   Grace is unmerited favor toward someone.   Grace is a free gift of God given to us when we come to faith in Jesus Christ.  We are made alive in God through Jesus' death on the cross for our sins.  Grace is not something we have to work for or earn but it is a product of a faithfulness and maturity in Jesus Christ.
So, remember these concepts as we end the week.  These are important concepts to remember about our life in Jesus Christ.  These are important to know and remember as we live out our Christian faith.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Ephesians Intro

Ephesians helps us see the spiritual blessings we have come from Jesus Christ.  God chose us from the beginning of the world.  These blessings we have because we are adopted by God.  We are saved by grace alone not by faith.  The gospel forms all our actions.  As Christians, we are to walk in Christ.  When we walk in Christ, he molds us into his image.  God gives us strength and protections against the forces that come against us in this world.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

God knows where he wants us

God showed me today that his way our not our ways.  God's plans our bigger than us.  God's ways are higher, deeper, longer than we can ever imagine.  He is bigger than all our fears of our life.  That is why we need to keep trusting in who he is.

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