
Thursday, February 28, 2019

God is able

God has been showing me that he is able to accomplish all things in his timing.  He is using other people in my life to show he is still moving and working.  In this showing me he is able, he has been reminding me he will provide me a job and wife in his timing.   It says in 1 Corinthians 4:17, "For all light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." This reminds me that God is able to work all things out for my good and he is using my struggles to glorify him.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Trust God is still working

At times, we have to trust that God is still working.  God showed me through a pastor that called me about meeting in regards a possible job.  The pastor said after we were talking that he has my name written down and he is praying for me.  It showed me that God is still working in my life.  He is working all things for me in his timing.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

God's love for us and truths about who God says we are

God reminded me Wednesday night that his love for us is endless.  God will bring us back from whatever depths we have fallen because he loves us.  God will do anything and everything because he loves us.  Also, God reminded me that it's not what others say about us, it's what God says about us.  It's a simple truth that God says he will use us, has a purpose, for us, and has a plan for us.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Content with who I am: God has given me all I need for life and Godliness

God has called me to be content in him and my walk with him.  God has given me all that I want and need for life through Godliness.  He gives me what I need through his Holy Spirit to mature us in him.  He grows us in his Holy Spirit and matures us in him.  We do not need another person to grow in Christ.  God will give us that person in his timing.
Peter says in 2 Peter 1:3-7 that his divine power has given us everything in life and godliness.  Also, in verse four Peter says he has called his into his into his family so he could give us his promises.  In the next two verses Peter describes how God gives us faith and perseverance through godliness.  Through this godliness he matures in his self-control, kindness, and love.  These occur as we grow in our walk with Jesus Christ.
Contentment is about knowing Jesus is all we need for life and godliness.  God will mature us in him whether we have a wife or not.  We have to rely on his Spirit for guidance.

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