I have just finished reading Tim Tebow's book "Shaken" that describes going through times of peaks and valleys when life is hard. He discusses not being shaken when these things come our way. He illustrates this by certain stories in the book from people that did not limit themselves when they had hardship and struggles.
In summary, the book gives you an overview of how to approach life when hardship is thrown your way. He gives different approaches throughout the book and shows us how to live for Christ through these struggles. The main he describes is to remind ourselves our identity is in Christ and nothing else. That is the main idea that he illustrates throughout the book. Tim helps us trust that when when know that our identity is in Christ he will provide for us in these struggles.
Also, in the book he gives great examples of these circumstances in the book. He uses these examples to show how these people did not let their circumstances define them. They lived for Christ despite their struggles and what they were going through at the time. Tim helps any every day person can relate to these stories. He makes the book applicable to anyone that reads it.
In my analysis, the book is great for anyone that is going through struggles whatever it may be. He applies these struggles to those that he went through trying to make it in the NFL. He uses this comparison to describe how he went through struggles himself to get where he is today. Tim uses these examples of his struggles to show God can use these struggles to bring out a greater good. God had a purpose in all of his struggles of when he tried to follow his dream of playing in the NFL.
The book's main them or perspective is focusing on our identity in Christ above all else. Tim emphasizes this throughout the book, That is what he wants the readers to take away from at the end. It's a perspective that we should apply to all of our life. He helps us make sure it's important in our lives when we go through these times.
The last main perspective he discussed was to not limit yourself when you have specific struggles or limitations. He then gives examples of people that did not let their disabilities get to them. These people still did great things for God despite what they were going through at the time.
In essence, Tim clearly explains throughout the book that we do not need to be "shaken" when these storms in our life come our way. He uses Psalm 16:8, to reference the title in how we should live our life in these times. It says, "I have set the Lord continually before me, because he is at my right hand. I will not be shaken." We have to trust in our identity in Christ when these storms come our way and not be shaken because God is with us. God can use us when we trust in his power and glory in good times and bad.
I would personally recommend this book to any Christian that is struggling with any life situation. The book is a great reminder who God is and who we are in Christ. We have to trust he is for us and our identity is in him.