This post will not be posted online in any format because there are some that disagree with me. I do not think gay marriage is a right for many reasons. The first one being that if we say gay marriage is a right then that leads to polygamy/polyamory and bestiality as a right. The second reason is the marriage is supposed to be a sacred covenant between a man and a woman.
First, when we say that gay marriage is some kind of right this distorts the idea of what is a right. The judges in the Supreme Court case made gay marriage a right out of nowhere. This distortion leads some to say polygamy/polyamory is a right and bestiality. Polygamy is having more than one wife and polyamory is similar but in an exclusive nature. Bestiality is having sex with animals. Second, the Bible exclusively condemns homosexuality and in turn God would in turn be against homosexuality. God ordained marriage to be a man and woman relationship to honor and glorify God. In marriage, we are to love and serve one another like Christ loved us. Gay marriage does not reflect Jesus or his church. Gay marriage as a right would be honor God.
Now, let us speak the truth in love in this world that does not agree with us and fight the good fight for biblical truth. God is on his throne and will judge the living and the dead. We as Christians have to be ready love others and help people see how Jesus can set them free.