
Thursday, September 27, 2012

God directed wisdom vs the foolish

The past few weeks I have been going to a Bible study over Proverbs.  The main theme we have been studying is examining the fool in us.  We have been looking at the difference between those that seek wisdom and follow God vs the fools that turn their ways against God.
Proverbs brings out this comparison of the fool and those that seek wisdom in God in the beginning of Proverbs.  Proverbs 1:7 says this in comparison between the fool and those that seek God for wisdom, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." Those that fear God seek him for wisdom in all their decisions.  In comparison, the fools turn against God daily in their decisions that they make.  The fools do not use wise discipline, discernment, and don't think about how their decisions may effect others in the future.
The things we do and the decisions we make should reflect God and we should go to him for every big decision we face.  If we do not do this, then we will become the kind of fool Proverbs is talking about.  After college, I tried to decide my future on my own without including God in it.  I tried to make life and financial decisions without God's help.  The summer after college, God led me to this discipleship program which helped me realize how much I need God and how foolish I am to not depend on him for life's biggest decisions.
Fearing God involves trusting him with our daily needs.  It is realizing he is bigger than our concerns, frustrations, feelings, worries, sins, at the moment.  Through this fear of the Lord, we are showing a certain level of reverence and awe in his power, glory, sovereignty, grace, and forgiveness in our life.  It is shown through hatred of evil in Proverbs 8:6; and avoidance of sin in Proverbs 16:6.
To seek God's wisdom is realizing God directs our life in all that we do.  Proverbs 20:24 NLT says, "The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" Those who are seeking God in wisdom are surrendering to God all their decisions, cares, causes, and concerns for the day.  God already knows what we are going ask before we ask him it says in the book of Matthew.  Proverbs 16:9 NIV is very similar when it says, "In his heart a man plans his steps, but God determines his course."   The last thing I want to mention is that though we try to do life on our own sometimes leading to our foolish nature, ultimately God is in control of our life.
I used be a fool, making decisions on my own without thinking about them, not recognizing their cause and effect, immature, but God has matured in me and helped me make wise decisions with him in mind.  I used to be a fool despising wisdom, focusing on things that bring me joy, and going against God in everything I do.  I was very foolish in the past, only doing things my way; becoming selfish and impatient with the world and everything in the world.  Now, I have realized my foolish ways and have asked God for forgiveness for my past ways and now God is directing my life in all that I do.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

God changed my circumstances and plans

This post I will be discussing certain times in my life in which God was at work but I didn't know it.  During these times, God changed my circumstances for his good and purposes.  He uses these times in my life to conform me to his image or likeness.
The first instance I am going to discuss is the time that  God changed the my plans from doing a Young Life year long internship at Young Life camp to doing Discipleship Focus the summer after I graduated from college.  I thought this year long internship was where God wanted me in that next year after I graduated college.  I pursued this opportunity so diligently at the end of the spring of 2010.  I did not know God had a different plan for me that summer and into the next year.  God used one opportunity that didn't work and led to a greater one that summer.
At Discipleship Focus, I grew in my walk with Christ.  I become able to trust God more quickly and with more things in the process of God revealing himself to me that summer.  He made me aware that he is in control of my life despite what happens to me in certain situations.  He helped me realize that his eternal good is to conform us to his image and have a deep, walk with his Son Jesus Christ.  I went through a study called God's Answers to Our Deepest Questions that, throughout the study, helped me realize me spiritual bankruptcy without my relationship with Jesus Christ.  
During the summer, I also grew in my walk with God in a small group of people that deeply cared me and my needs.  We became like a family that summer united by what God was doing in our lives at the time.  This constant community helped us push each other toward Christ in all that we did that summer.  I also gained deep fellowship with the guys in my cabin since we eat together, hung out after work, and cleaned the cabin every week together.  As my teacher in seminary Dr. Lee says, "we became a living, loving, and learning community."
In that next year, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life but God had other plans for me and my future.  I thought I was going to do into broadcasting but God kept closing down those doors or opportunities with each job I didn't get.  I was able to trust and depend on God during this time in my life through the these things I learned in that summer at D-focus.  Even though this was a very hard time in my life, God helped me realize that he was in control of my life at the time and I just needed to trust him more.  Through this circumstance in my life, God wanted me to realize that I need to be desperately dependent on him with everything in my life.  
The first verse that illustrates God's uses circumstances to conform us to his image is in Romans 8:28-29. Paul says this, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers."  God was working throughout those times in my life and had a bigger plan than I could imagine; to conform me to the image of his Son Jesus Christ. Another verse that illustrates God using a circumstance is the example of Joseph, he says to his brothers in Exodus 50:19-20, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Joseph acknowledge that God was in control of his hard circumstance in his life and God was using it for his glory. 
God used that circumstance in my life to lead me to seminary and back to ministry.  I feel that God gave me a wake up call in my life during that year.  He helped me realize what my real passions in life are and how he wants to use for in my future.  
We need to remind ourselves how much we need to desperately depend on God daily for everything in our life and abide in him.  God is in control of any and every circumstance in our life.  He can use any circumstance to conform us to his image.  I as a Christian in my sinful, depraved, state cannot produce Godliness on my own,  our God in heaven and earth has to be the only thing we depend on make in this life.  The only thing we will take with us when we go to heaven is the depth of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 11th

Yesterday was the anniversary of September 11 one of the most historic days in American history.  A day which caused us to examine our freedoms as Americans.   That day showed how Americans can come together in the midst of tragedy.
I am not specifically going to September 11 today.  I will discussing how 9/11 showed us as Christians today.
Looking back on this event in our past it shows me how we are all sinful creatures.  The suicide bombers at 9/11 didn't take into account they were killing numerous people that day.  They only knew that they had to carry our their mission of bombing the World Trade Center. They thought they had to carry out the mission of bombing the buildings that day because Osama bin Laden ordered it.  Bin Laden's kind of Islam was the very extreme form.
Bin Laden's terrorist group was called the Al-Qaeda.  It was the highest form of extremism sect of Islam.
This event also causes us as Christians to remind us that we have to love all people despite they believe.  In this way, we will be able to model Jesus Christ to other people of other religions.  Georges Houssney, the author of Engaging Islam, says the if we shows other Muslims the authentic love of Jesus is the key to reaching Muslims.  Through this they will see that our God is different than the God that Mohammad portrays in the Kor'an.  If we as Christians can love and get to know Muslims Houssney says then they may open up eventually to want to know more about how to have a relationship with Christ.
This book taught me it is essential to get to know other people's religions in order to tells others about Jesus Christ.  We also have to get to know who people are and what Muslims believe.  Houssney emphasizes we have to be aware of the differences in Islam and Christianity.  We have to use discrepancies in order to reach  Muslims.  The most important thing Houssney says is that God loves you my dear Muslims brother.  This last sentence emphasizes that God loves everyone and wants all people to come to know him no matter race, religion, color or sect.
The mission trip I went on this summer reminded me that God wants everyone to come to know him deeply.   God has a deep passion and concern for all those that have fallen away from him.  He loves us all deeply no matter if we are steeped in sin or struggling with hard times.  God is too big to be able to comprehend what he can do if we let him work through us. A verse that shows the bigness of God to do anything is Ephesians 3:20, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."
9/11 made me realize we are all sinful creatures in need of God redemption into right relationship with him.

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