
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The man post

This post is about the great saying that I made up called "If you're a man you're a man."
If you're a man, then you will stand up for what you believe in life.  If you're a man, then you won't get knocked down by others who will try to push you around.  If you're a man, you can take anything thrown at you.  If you're a man, you will stick up for your best friend in any situation.
If you're a Christ follower man, you will stick up for anyone being pushed around.  If you're a Christ follower man, you will serve and love your wife.  If you're a Christ follower man, you will serve those under and around you in life in whatever ministry you're in.
If you're a man, you're a man then you are legendary in life.  If you're a man you're a man, then everyone knows your name.  If you're a man you're a man, then you have a certain ease about you and people can see you coming from miles away.  If you're a man, you're a man then even pets can feel your presence.  If you're a man, you're a man, then your presence emanates from the entire room.
If you're a Christ follower man, then people will see Christ's presence from how you act.  If you're a Christ follower man, then the words you say glorify Christ.  If you're a Christ follower man, then the life you live emanates how Christ lived.  If you're a Christ follower man, then the words that you speak and say glorify Christ and doesn't demean,affect, or injure others.  If you're a Christian or Christ follower man, then people can see Jesus through you from miles away.
That was my diatribe on the If you're a man, you a man.  It is also my take on how to live life depending on who you are in life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God's love song

Here's an old song I wrote about God's love.  I haven't practiced it to perform it yet though, it is just something I jotted down.  It will be great song to sing one day.

“Your Love”
Chorus: Your love,
Breaks me,
Shakes me,
It fills me up to the brim of the cup,
Verse 1:
I can’t fathom what you’ve done,
Because you gave you’re only Son,
To give us life and life to the full,
This love you have for me I can’t understand,
It doesn’t bend,
Chorus: Your love,
Breaks me,
Shakes me,
It fills me up to the brim of the cup,
Verse 2:
And I know without this love I would be nothing,
Because all I have is you,
You are my everything,
You wipe away all frustration, guilt, doubt, and fear
And bring them into the clear
You give me joy and a trusting heart
Sometimes I’m not so smart
Lord you’re bigger, longer, and wider than I can see
You make me so free

Friday, August 5, 2011

Snoop's life: God's love for us that never ends

Snoop's life: God's love for us that never ends: "I'm going to describe God's infinite love for us today. God called out the people of Israel. He still loved them and pursued them even tho..."

God's love for us that never ends

I'm going to describe God's infinite love for us today.
God called out the people of Israel.  He still loved them and pursued them even though they had fallen away from him.  His love never ends, it goes on forever.
In Hosea 11:3-4, God says this about his love for the people, "It was I who taught Ephraim how to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them.  I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love."
He never gave up on the people of Israel even when they sinned against him and disobeyed him.  He still loved them.  He still had compassion on the people though they had fallen far from him.  He never let them fall too far, in the same way he will never let us as Christ followers go.  He is bigger than our own problems of this world.
God says this describing his fierce passion and compassion for his people, in Hosea 11:8-9, "How can I give up you up, Epraim?
How can I hand you over, Israel?
How can I treat you like Admah?
How can I make you like Zoboiim?
My heart is changed within me;
all my compassion is aroused.
I will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I turn and devastate Epraim.
For I am God, and not man-
the Holy One among you.
I will not come in wrath."
In the same way, Hosea loved Gomer though she had been with other men.  This gives us a picture of how much God loved the people of Israel though they had fallen far from him.  He loves us that same infinite and boundless way as Christ followers in the 21st century.  He pursues us through our failure and trials in our life and the times he we fall away from him.  We are the bride and God is the bridegroom who calls us out in the midst of life.
He also sent his son Jesus Christ to show his ultimate love for us on the cross.  He died so we could have life and life in him.
John 3:16, says this "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
 God's love is infinite and eternal.  It never ends and lasts forever.  It also gives the most abundant life that you could find. 
 In John 10:10 it says, The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so they may have life and life to the full."
If we depend on him, his unending love will take us away from anything in life.  He will never let us go.  His love and passion for us is eternal.
Remember these truths as you read this blog today or next week.  



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