Today I will be blogging about my small group from last summer. We had such an eclectic group of people in my small group last summer.
My small group leader Ray Pettigrew was and is a very funny man. He was on Young Life staff before he took over the position as D-focus director last summer. He can come up with the best and funniest program characters.
My best friend from the summer, Carlyle Aguren was in a band called "Criendleback" with Zack Krueger who was also at Notch Pines that summer. He played football in high school and was also a Young Life leader at Arkansas. He ended up becoming one of my best friends from last summer.
Dan "the man" Anderson was from the corn husking state of Nebraska. He took pride in the husker state. He was a former wrestler in high school and an avid Nebraska football fan. He also goes to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He is a Wyldlife leader at Nebraska, which is Young Life ministry geared towards junior high kids.
Jason "Marty" Martens, was from Sioux falls, South Dakota which is close to Minnesota area. He had a Minnesota accent when he first arrived, it wasn't as bad when the summer had ended. Marty was a joyful person to be around.
Keegan Evans grow a legendary beard this past summer. He is also an avid hiker and loves building sailboats. Keegan, Carlyle, and Jeremy are all apart of our cabin in which we did the legendary "Little Boys in white T-shirts" skit at skit night last summer.
Jeremy Savage was from Harrisonville,Missouri and was playing soccer at Crowder at the time I first met him. He was a person that easy to get along with. I would also consider him to be a very easy going person. That is why a lot of people knew him.
The first cabin night and last cabin night were the best. The first cabin night we saw the spectacle that was, The Shepard of the Hills." It was interesting show and yet it was comical. The last cabin night we bought little shirts and watched motorcyles go around into a ball of fire. We also drank the drink of champions that night Arnold Palmer.
All in all God did something in all of our lives this past summer. He used things from the study Discovery to show us and help grow in our walk with him.
About Me
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Changing my circumstances
Today I will be blogging about D-focus, a great time in my life. I am discussing this event because around this past week on Wednesday and Thursday is when people started arriving.
Last year, God changed my circumstances and led me to one of the greatest experiences in my life and biggest growth in Christ. I had planned on doing the year long internship at Frontier Ranch that year. I was so sure that I would get the internship because I knew some of the property staff from work week, taking kids to camp, and work crew at Frontier. It was hard getting rejected by one of my favorite Young Life camps.
Katy Park and Jace Thompson talked to me about doing Dicipleship Focus in Branson, Missouri a week or two before I found out I didn't get the internship. At first I wasn't sure about it but in about a week I prayed about it. I took a chance trusting God and applied for D-focus.
Emily Sells also reminded me and kept asking me if I had applied yet during the time that I wasn't sure about it. She told me of the great fun that I would have there, though at that time I didn't know how fun it would be. She told me of the great experience she had there and the impact the time there that it made on her. Emily Sells was a great friend to me that summer, writing letter after letter just to see how I was doing at the Notch.
God changed my circumstances because he wanted me to grow in him. He changed my circumstances so he could direct and re-direct me to where the wanted me to go. He closed one option of his will in my life to lead me a greater option last summer.
In hindsight I did not know that I would be going to this great experience of Dicipleship Focus ahead of time. Only God knew where I needed to be last summer.
He lead me to D-focus to remind me that I can't make in this life on my own. I have to be desperately dependent on Him for everything. He is in control of our lives and we can trust him with everything. I learned how easy it is to abide and Practice in the Presence of God. I became more mature through the summer at Notch Pines and now have the ability to present any situation to him. He has given me faith to make it in this life.
Last summer, I was one of the first people at Notch Pines to arrive and the last to leave. It is when I arrived my small group leader picked me up and would become one of my great friends last summer.
The first person I met from my cabin Keegan Evans would also be in my small group. My best friend from that summer, Carlyle Aguren, on the Friday when we first arrived at the Notch. We bonded throughout last summer. It was God and God alone that brought us together.
To sum up this post I want to say that God uses interesting ways so we can understand and know him better in our life. The changing of circumstances was accomplished for his purpose alone. He uses things for his glory.
Last year, God changed my circumstances and led me to one of the greatest experiences in my life and biggest growth in Christ. I had planned on doing the year long internship at Frontier Ranch that year. I was so sure that I would get the internship because I knew some of the property staff from work week, taking kids to camp, and work crew at Frontier. It was hard getting rejected by one of my favorite Young Life camps.
Katy Park and Jace Thompson talked to me about doing Dicipleship Focus in Branson, Missouri a week or two before I found out I didn't get the internship. At first I wasn't sure about it but in about a week I prayed about it. I took a chance trusting God and applied for D-focus.
Emily Sells also reminded me and kept asking me if I had applied yet during the time that I wasn't sure about it. She told me of the great fun that I would have there, though at that time I didn't know how fun it would be. She told me of the great experience she had there and the impact the time there that it made on her. Emily Sells was a great friend to me that summer, writing letter after letter just to see how I was doing at the Notch.
God changed my circumstances because he wanted me to grow in him. He changed my circumstances so he could direct and re-direct me to where the wanted me to go. He closed one option of his will in my life to lead me a greater option last summer.
In hindsight I did not know that I would be going to this great experience of Dicipleship Focus ahead of time. Only God knew where I needed to be last summer.
He lead me to D-focus to remind me that I can't make in this life on my own. I have to be desperately dependent on Him for everything. He is in control of our lives and we can trust him with everything. I learned how easy it is to abide and Practice in the Presence of God. I became more mature through the summer at Notch Pines and now have the ability to present any situation to him. He has given me faith to make it in this life.
Last summer, I was one of the first people at Notch Pines to arrive and the last to leave. It is when I arrived my small group leader picked me up and would become one of my great friends last summer.
The first person I met from my cabin Keegan Evans would also be in my small group. My best friend from that summer, Carlyle Aguren, on the Friday when we first arrived at the Notch. We bonded throughout last summer. It was God and God alone that brought us together.
To sum up this post I want to say that God uses interesting ways so we can understand and know him better in our life. The changing of circumstances was accomplished for his purpose alone. He uses things for his glory.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Apart from God, we are nothing: Part two
Today I will be blogging about Part II of the series Apart from God: We are nothing. I will be discussing our desperate dependency on God for everything in our lives. This is necessary for us to be in relationship with the creator of the universe who loved us and gave up his life for us as a ransom for all.
In Chapter 11, of the Ecclesiastes the author tells us to take advantage of our life because it passes away very quickly. He reminds us that possessions are temporary but only Godly things are eternal and last in this life. Ecclesiastes verse 8 is a good reference for this, "However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything to come is meaningless." All temporary things pass away but God stays the same. He is eternal and his love never fades.
Everything in our life is fleeting the author sums up but our relationship with God. He is the one that sustains us and gives us life. We are nothing with God, we have to be desperately dependent on him for everything. The author says this in relation to the topic in Ecclesiastes 12:8, "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Everything is meaningless!" We have to remind ourselves that apart from Jesus we can do nothing good in this life.
Another verse that references this topic of dependency on God is 2 Corinthians 3:5. It says this, Not that we are competent in ourselves in claim anything for ourselves, but our competency comes from God." This is another reminder that if we don't have to vine in our life (Jesus Christ) then we as branches will not be able to grow in him daily.
The author concludes his letter by this saying summing up our life rather succinctly at this. Ecclesiastes 13-14 "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 "For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."
The letter concludes fittingly with a call to Fear God, in reverence of our great and mighty creator. He calls us to stand in awe of him daily. There will be a judgement day whether we fear God or depend on Him we just have to remind ourselves that the only thing we take with us when we go to heaven is the depth of our relationship with Jesus.
We are Christians cannot make it in this life if we don't depend on him for everything that we have. By standing in awe of him, we keep focused on Him and how much we need him in our life.
In Chapter 11, of the Ecclesiastes the author tells us to take advantage of our life because it passes away very quickly. He reminds us that possessions are temporary but only Godly things are eternal and last in this life. Ecclesiastes verse 8 is a good reference for this, "However many years a man may live, let him enjoy them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything to come is meaningless." All temporary things pass away but God stays the same. He is eternal and his love never fades.
Everything in our life is fleeting the author sums up but our relationship with God. He is the one that sustains us and gives us life. We are nothing with God, we have to be desperately dependent on him for everything. The author says this in relation to the topic in Ecclesiastes 12:8, "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Everything is meaningless!" We have to remind ourselves that apart from Jesus we can do nothing good in this life.
Another verse that references this topic of dependency on God is 2 Corinthians 3:5. It says this, Not that we are competent in ourselves in claim anything for ourselves, but our competency comes from God." This is another reminder that if we don't have to vine in our life (Jesus Christ) then we as branches will not be able to grow in him daily.
The author concludes his letter by this saying summing up our life rather succinctly at this. Ecclesiastes 13-14 "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 "For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."
The letter concludes fittingly with a call to Fear God, in reverence of our great and mighty creator. He calls us to stand in awe of him daily. There will be a judgement day whether we fear God or depend on Him we just have to remind ourselves that the only thing we take with us when we go to heaven is the depth of our relationship with Jesus.
We are Christians cannot make it in this life if we don't depend on him for everything that we have. By standing in awe of him, we keep focused on Him and how much we need him in our life.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Snoop's life: Apart from God, we are nothing
Snoop's life: Apart from God, we are nothing: "Today I will be blogging about a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately as I have been reading through the Bible daily. I have been re..."
Apart from God, we are nothing
Today I will be blogging about a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately as I have been reading through the Bible daily. I have been reading the book of Ecclesiastes lately and a theme of the book I discovered.
Some scholars think the author of the book may have be Solomon. While others think it may have been someone else from later in that time period it was written after Solomon.
Throughout the book, the author discusses toiling all day in the fields for nothing under the sun. The theme of work after day is instituted throughout. "There is nothing new under the sun." All things pass away, if we don't have Christ in our life.
The author also points to the fact that all pleasures and possessions in our life as to things that will also pass away in our life. They are not eternal, only temporary in object and desire. Ecclesiastes 2:1 says, "I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good." But that also proved to be meaningless.
Toil being meaningless in life them is rampant throughout the book. The author mentions that if we toil long enough that we will be alone. Though toil is hard, God is our eternal source in life. We will not be alone if we depend on God in our daily work and strife.
We have to remind ourselves to stand in awe of God in all times. Though this life is hard, God is still bigger than us.
The author says Godly wisdom should be something we have to cling to and hold onto. We have to remind ourselves of our dependence on God. His wisdom is the only thing that can bring us life not any worldly things or desires. Ecclesiastes 7:12 says this, "Wisdom is like a shelter, as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor."
We have to cling to God and depend on him daily. Without him in our life, we are nothing. The thing that we take with us when we go to heaven is the depth of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Some scholars think the author of the book may have be Solomon. While others think it may have been someone else from later in that time period it was written after Solomon.
Throughout the book, the author discusses toiling all day in the fields for nothing under the sun. The theme of work after day is instituted throughout. "There is nothing new under the sun." All things pass away, if we don't have Christ in our life.
The author also points to the fact that all pleasures and possessions in our life as to things that will also pass away in our life. They are not eternal, only temporary in object and desire. Ecclesiastes 2:1 says, "I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good." But that also proved to be meaningless.
Toil being meaningless in life them is rampant throughout the book. The author mentions that if we toil long enough that we will be alone. Though toil is hard, God is our eternal source in life. We will not be alone if we depend on God in our daily work and strife.
We have to remind ourselves to stand in awe of God in all times. Though this life is hard, God is still bigger than us.
The author says Godly wisdom should be something we have to cling to and hold onto. We have to remind ourselves of our dependence on God. His wisdom is the only thing that can bring us life not any worldly things or desires. Ecclesiastes 7:12 says this, "Wisdom is like a shelter, as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor."
We have to cling to God and depend on him daily. Without him in our life, we are nothing. The thing that we take with us when we go to heaven is the depth of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Practicing the Presence of God: a lifestyle and an art
Today I will be blogging about the Practice of the Presence of God or some have called it "Abiding." It is a very simple task you see.
It is done by simply conversing or talking to God throughout the day. In the Practice in the Presence of God foreword by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Brother Lawrence says in his spiritual maxims that by 'practicing in the presence of God' we are worshiping him in spirit and truth. It is also a daily adoration of God in all things.
It is also a reminder that he is with his throughout our days. This daily practice helps center our lives on God says Brother Lawrence. It gives our souls an inward focus on only him and him alone.
Monsier L'Abbe' Joseph de Beaufort Grand Vicar of Cardinal Noailles observed that Brother Lawrence whether he was walking, working, conversing, resting, or reading he continued to pray. He called the Practice in the Presence of God the shortest road to Christian perfection,the very form and life of virtue, and the a great protection against sin.
"Abiding," in God as we discussed in the study this summer at Dicipleship Focus, is also a practice that is very similar to the Practice in the Presence of God. "Abiding," is being aware of God's presence, being available and obedient to Him, and trusting in his resources and not in our own human abilities.
It is also a reminder that he can't do anything in this life on our own. We can't produce anything worth spiritual value without Jesus in our life. This is evidenced by Paul in 1st Corinthians 3:5. In John 15:5, he says apart from Jesus we can do nothing! This means if we are abiding in him, he will help us grow in him if we surrender things in our life to him. If we are not abiding in Jesus, we will not be able to produce anything of spiritual value.
In 1st Thessalonians 5:18, Paul tells us to pray continually for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. In this, he references abiding and Practicing the Presence of God. "Abiding," is described also as a constant openness to God that he will prompt us, encourages us, direct us, or stop us if we are giving into temptation.
Brother Lawrence was so tune with God throughout the day he continued to remind of God's goodness even on his deathbed.
It is this way that we have to make the Practice in the Presence of God and "Abiding" a lifestyle. In this way, we will be in step with the one who created us and redeemed us from death.
It is done by simply conversing or talking to God throughout the day. In the Practice in the Presence of God foreword by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Brother Lawrence says in his spiritual maxims that by 'practicing in the presence of God' we are worshiping him in spirit and truth. It is also a daily adoration of God in all things.
It is also a reminder that he is with his throughout our days. This daily practice helps center our lives on God says Brother Lawrence. It gives our souls an inward focus on only him and him alone.
Monsier L'Abbe' Joseph de Beaufort Grand Vicar of Cardinal Noailles observed that Brother Lawrence whether he was walking, working, conversing, resting, or reading he continued to pray. He called the Practice in the Presence of God the shortest road to Christian perfection,the very form and life of virtue, and the a great protection against sin.
"Abiding," in God as we discussed in the study this summer at Dicipleship Focus, is also a practice that is very similar to the Practice in the Presence of God. "Abiding," is being aware of God's presence, being available and obedient to Him, and trusting in his resources and not in our own human abilities.
It is also a reminder that he can't do anything in this life on our own. We can't produce anything worth spiritual value without Jesus in our life. This is evidenced by Paul in 1st Corinthians 3:5. In John 15:5, he says apart from Jesus we can do nothing! This means if we are abiding in him, he will help us grow in him if we surrender things in our life to him. If we are not abiding in Jesus, we will not be able to produce anything of spiritual value.
In 1st Thessalonians 5:18, Paul tells us to pray continually for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. In this, he references abiding and Practicing the Presence of God. "Abiding," is described also as a constant openness to God that he will prompt us, encourages us, direct us, or stop us if we are giving into temptation.
Brother Lawrence was so tune with God throughout the day he continued to remind of God's goodness even on his deathbed.
It is this way that we have to make the Practice in the Presence of God and "Abiding" a lifestyle. In this way, we will be in step with the one who created us and redeemed us from death.
Monday, May 9, 2011
As I start out this post I will this God has given me more faith in the past year through certain hard situations. When I first started out as a young Christian, my faith was just a needle or a thimble. However, since last summer my faith has increased dramatically. First, Dicipleship Focus last summer taught me in terms of faith that I need to present situations to God and he will conform them to his image. He will give me the faith to make it through hard times. He will help my faith grow, if I present a situation to him.
Second, this past year I have been able to present more situations to God because of the past things I have seen God do. It has been a hard year for me looking for jobs but I have been able to trust God more and gain perseverance that James talks about in chapter one. This faith in Christ we have to to cling to. It grows stronger as we apply the things James talks about in chapter one verses 1:2-4. We 1. present a situation 2. God gives us faith 3.
We gain more faith through these and other past experiences that we have in life. Christian maturity is the ability to present more and more situations to God than we did in the past. That, I have been able to do. That is why, in the past year, I have gained a level of maturity in Christ. We have to cling to faith and trust in Christ even though times may be hard in our life in whatever we are going through.
That is also a lesson of Job, we have to cling to Christ in times of need in our lives. He is in control and we have to trust him. Job finally realized that at the end of the book and we have to realize this at all times in our lives. God's not only in control of the good times but the bad, frustrating, and hard days in our lives. I just have to trust him and cling that level of faith in me.
Second, this past year I have been able to present more situations to God because of the past things I have seen God do. It has been a hard year for me looking for jobs but I have been able to trust God more and gain perseverance that James talks about in chapter one. This faith in Christ we have to to cling to. It grows stronger as we apply the things James talks about in chapter one verses 1:2-4. We 1. present a situation 2. God gives us faith 3.
We gain more faith through these and other past experiences that we have in life. Christian maturity is the ability to present more and more situations to God than we did in the past. That, I have been able to do. That is why, in the past year, I have gained a level of maturity in Christ. We have to cling to faith and trust in Christ even though times may be hard in our life in whatever we are going through.
That is also a lesson of Job, we have to cling to Christ in times of need in our lives. He is in control and we have to trust him. Job finally realized that at the end of the book and we have to realize this at all times in our lives. God's not only in control of the good times but the bad, frustrating, and hard days in our lives. I just have to trust him and cling that level of faith in me.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
TCU Frogs drafted in the NFL
I am blogging about the TCU Horned Frogs that were drafted in the NFL draft this past weekend. TCU Quarterback Andy Dalton was drafted in the second round of the draft by the Cincinnati Bengals. He became the 35th overall selection in the draft. Dalton broke every passing record held by TCU great Sammy Baugh at TCU. He started up a worship service that meets on Monday nights at TCU. He was a great person on and off the field during his time with the Frogs.
Dalton led the Frogs to one of their biggest wins in history in the Rose Bowl on January 1st, 2011. The Frogs became 13-0 for the first time since 1938 after winning the Rose Bowl.
Marcus Cannon was selected in the with the seventh pick in the fifth round by the New England Patriots. Cannon was a three year starter for the Frogs. The 6 foot 6, 350 pound Cannon was named to three All-American teams in 2010. He did not allow a sack his junior season.
Wide Receiver Jeremy Kerley was drafted in the fifth round of the draft. He will be joining former Frogs running back LaDainian Tomlinson and cornerback Drew Coleman. Kerley was an explosive return specialist and big play receiver for the Frogs. He had two returns for touchdowns in 2009, against SMU and Colorado State. The 71 yard return against Colorado State was ESPN's top play of the day.
Safety Colin Jones was taken in the sixth round of the draft by the San Francisco 49ers. Jones recorded 10 tackles and one sack in the Frogs monumental 21-19 Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin. Jones also earned all-Mountain West Conference honors as a senior. Jones impressed a lot of teams with a very good Pro Day. He was one of the players Gary Patterson converted to defense after he played running back in high school.
Former Frogs cornerback, Malcolm Williams was selected in the seventh round by the New England Patriots. As a senior, Williams ranked fourth on the team with 11 special teams tackles. He ended up with 12 stops on the year. As a junior, he had a fumble recovery in the Frogs' 55-28 win over Utah.
The Frogs have five players drafted for the second time in the past three seasons. TCU also had five selections in 2009. They had the most players drafted in Texas for the second time in three years. The five picks tie for second most under coach Gary Patterson. The Horned Frogs had six players drafted in the 2001 draft. These facts show what a quality program the TCU football is becoming.
Dalton led the Frogs to one of their biggest wins in history in the Rose Bowl on January 1st, 2011. The Frogs became 13-0 for the first time since 1938 after winning the Rose Bowl.
Marcus Cannon was selected in the with the seventh pick in the fifth round by the New England Patriots. Cannon was a three year starter for the Frogs. The 6 foot 6, 350 pound Cannon was named to three All-American teams in 2010. He did not allow a sack his junior season.
Wide Receiver Jeremy Kerley was drafted in the fifth round of the draft. He will be joining former Frogs running back LaDainian Tomlinson and cornerback Drew Coleman. Kerley was an explosive return specialist and big play receiver for the Frogs. He had two returns for touchdowns in 2009, against SMU and Colorado State. The 71 yard return against Colorado State was ESPN's top play of the day.
Safety Colin Jones was taken in the sixth round of the draft by the San Francisco 49ers. Jones recorded 10 tackles and one sack in the Frogs monumental 21-19 Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin. Jones also earned all-Mountain West Conference honors as a senior. Jones impressed a lot of teams with a very good Pro Day. He was one of the players Gary Patterson converted to defense after he played running back in high school.
Former Frogs cornerback, Malcolm Williams was selected in the seventh round by the New England Patriots. As a senior, Williams ranked fourth on the team with 11 special teams tackles. He ended up with 12 stops on the year. As a junior, he had a fumble recovery in the Frogs' 55-28 win over Utah.
The Frogs have five players drafted for the second time in the past three seasons. TCU also had five selections in 2009. They had the most players drafted in Texas for the second time in three years. The five picks tie for second most under coach Gary Patterson. The Horned Frogs had six players drafted in the 2001 draft. These facts show what a quality program the TCU football is becoming.
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