As I have been trying to figuire out my life I have had a hard time discerning which way to go. It's hard sometimes discerning which way to go, what path interests me the most in life.
I'm still giving God control of my life and presenting everything to Him with an attitude of supplication and that has been really good for me in general. I just think I'm good at a wide range of things I'm just trying to find that one thing that will give me the passion, drive, joy, in life. I just want to make sure I don't choose the wrong path in life. That's just the feeling that keeps going through my head. I don't want to choose the wrong job or wrong girl to marry.
That's what's been going through my head lately.
I've been pursuing a wide range of jobs in the journalism field I'm just trying to figuire out what I would be best at. I hope to move back to the Dallas Fort Worth area where I went to school eventually. I'm hoping God leads me back there by next fall but we will see. I love the area up there and I still have some friends up there from Young Life and BYX. I'm not saying who they are because they blog is public but private to an extent.
The definition on of discernment is the faculty of discerning; or an acuteness or judgement or understanding. It's a great thing that God will lead me back to where he wants me to be if I fall off course. I trust God for everything in my life. He is in control of my job situation and my future with whoever he wants to lead me to and wherever he wants me to lead me.
About Me
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Advent- We are nothing without Jesus
We realize during this Christmas season our need for the coming king Jesus when we remind ourselves of our sinful nature and the nature of the people of Israel how they kept rejecting God. The people of Israel worshiped their own idols not the one true God. It says in Isiah 48:5, "Therefore I told you these things long ago; before they happened I announced them to you so that you could that say, 'My idols did them, my wooden image and metal god ordained them.'
The people of Israel constantly turned their backs on God when they needed him. That's why God sent Jesus on earth, to remind them without God they are nothing. In Isiah 53:2, it says "He grew up before him like a tender shoot and like a root out of the dry ground." He was human just like one of us.
In the same way, without God we modern day Christians are nothing without him. In Romans 3:23, it says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Paul also says about our depravity in Romans 3:10-12. "As it is written, "There is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God; all have turned aside, together they have become useless, there is none who does good, there is not even one."
The good thing is that when we depend on Him we can live through his free grace and mercy. Paul explains in Romans 6:14, "Sin is no longer your master, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves you to sin. Instead you are free by God's grace."
In, 2 Corinthians 3:5, Paul talks about desperate dependency on God, "Not that we are any way confident of doing on our own resources- our ability comes from God." from the Phillips translation. We are nothing without Him, we are desperately dependent on him for everything. Waiting for the coming king during the Christmas season reminds us all the more of how much we needed a Savior in our life.
The people of Israel constantly turned their backs on God when they needed him. That's why God sent Jesus on earth, to remind them without God they are nothing. In Isiah 53:2, it says "He grew up before him like a tender shoot and like a root out of the dry ground." He was human just like one of us.
In the same way, without God we modern day Christians are nothing without him. In Romans 3:23, it says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Paul also says about our depravity in Romans 3:10-12. "As it is written, "There is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God; all have turned aside, together they have become useless, there is none who does good, there is not even one."
The good thing is that when we depend on Him we can live through his free grace and mercy. Paul explains in Romans 6:14, "Sin is no longer your master, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves you to sin. Instead you are free by God's grace."
In, 2 Corinthians 3:5, Paul talks about desperate dependency on God, "Not that we are any way confident of doing on our own resources- our ability comes from God." from the Phillips translation. We are nothing without Him, we are desperately dependent on him for everything. Waiting for the coming king during the Christmas season reminds us all the more of how much we needed a Savior in our life.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Pursuing my Passions
What could I do to pursue my passions the best in life? I have asked that many times in my life. Lately, I've been trying to rack my brain around the things I love doing on a daily basis because I want God to I use me in awesome ways. I've just been trying to find out where he wants me in life ever since I graduated from college in the spring. This personality test that I took at Ecclesia Clear Lake was really cool. It revealed to me some things I already know about myself. That, I'm good at communicating with people well. The study revealed to me at the end that I would be good at media related fields and ministry which I already was involved with in college and loved some bits and pieces of both of those. It showed another theme positivity, I think I've always been a real positive person. I always have good stories, jokes, and sayings. I've always been very energetic and encouraging to other people. There was only one instance where I was not encouraging and it was this summer when I didn't know anyone. I am the Woo theme because I love meeting new people and getting to know things about different people. I was belief, because listening to people and being around people that have the same values as me. One of my passions is sports but there's only a few that I really love. I love watching basketball that's my favorite sport. I like doing random funny things. I like doing "raps" that are also funny. Lately, I have enjoyed creating songs and playing the harmonica. I love seeing people get to know Christ and grow in him. Well, I know God is in control of my life and he will lead me to he wants me to be doing.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Advent Season
Today's new blog post I will discuss Advent season upon us with Christmas around the corner.
Advent season is when we wait expectantly for the coming of Jesus remembering how he came in a manger born of Mary to save us from our sinful nature. I hope in this Advent season we can remember what Christ has done in our life and think of how much we need him as a Savior in our life.
The Jewish people in that time hoped expectantly for a king and they got Jesus an eternal thing who became human so could be with us and also divine. I thank God for leading me out of my sinful nature and using events in my life to conform me to his image. I hope we can get back to what Christmas really means worshipping Jesus fully and out of this world of consumerism with buying and buying things.
I didn't realize our religion of consumerism until I read the book Advent Conspiracy. If we give less presents and more time relationally it will help us realize the true meaning of Christmas. The people of this movement suggest giving to people that need it, giving gift cards and giving things to the charity of each person in your family's choice. Well, that's my rant for the day. Peace out friends!
Advent season is when we wait expectantly for the coming of Jesus remembering how he came in a manger born of Mary to save us from our sinful nature. I hope in this Advent season we can remember what Christ has done in our life and think of how much we need him as a Savior in our life.
The Jewish people in that time hoped expectantly for a king and they got Jesus an eternal thing who became human so could be with us and also divine. I thank God for leading me out of my sinful nature and using events in my life to conform me to his image. I hope we can get back to what Christmas really means worshipping Jesus fully and out of this world of consumerism with buying and buying things.
I didn't realize our religion of consumerism until I read the book Advent Conspiracy. If we give less presents and more time relationally it will help us realize the true meaning of Christmas. The people of this movement suggest giving to people that need it, giving gift cards and giving things to the charity of each person in your family's choice. Well, that's my rant for the day. Peace out friends!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
God is in control of my life
Today I will be blogging about how God is in control of my life. I know he is in control because he has brought me through some of the most frustrating and difficult circumstances in my life.
He has brought me through the difficult circumstance of a car wreck and used the situation to comform me to his image. He changed my circumstances and plans this fall leading me to Dicipleship Focus this summer. He closed a door that I thought would be the best for me and opened a new one up, the opportunity to grow in him at D-focus this summer when I had planned on doing a year-long internship at at Young Life camp. He is incomparable, all-powerful, and holds all things together.
In psalm 19 verses 1-4, David talks about God's greatness and describes it as this "the heavens declare the glory of the God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is speech or language where their voices is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
Another verse that God has used in my life lately is 1st Chronicles 29:11. Here it is, "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and power and the glory and majesty and the splender for everything in the heavens and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all." God has reminded me time and time again that he is in control of this time in my life. One last verse that talks about how God is in control is Colossians 1:15-20. Verse 16 and 17 says this about his nature and how he breathed things into creation, "For by him all things were created : things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether by thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things were created by him and for him." "He is before all things and in him holds all things together."
Colossians 16 and 17 perfectly shows how God is in control of everything in our life even kingdoms in other countries across the world. He is sovereign and in control of whatever I'm going through in my life!
He has brought me through the difficult circumstance of a car wreck and used the situation to comform me to his image. He changed my circumstances and plans this fall leading me to Dicipleship Focus this summer. He closed a door that I thought would be the best for me and opened a new one up, the opportunity to grow in him at D-focus this summer when I had planned on doing a year-long internship at at Young Life camp. He is incomparable, all-powerful, and holds all things together.
In psalm 19 verses 1-4, David talks about God's greatness and describes it as this "the heavens declare the glory of the God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is speech or language where their voices is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
Another verse that God has used in my life lately is 1st Chronicles 29:11. Here it is, "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and power and the glory and majesty and the splender for everything in the heavens and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all." God has reminded me time and time again that he is in control of this time in my life. One last verse that talks about how God is in control is Colossians 1:15-20. Verse 16 and 17 says this about his nature and how he breathed things into creation, "For by him all things were created : things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether by thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things were created by him and for him." "He is before all things and in him holds all things together."
Colossians 16 and 17 perfectly shows how God is in control of everything in our life even kingdoms in other countries across the world. He is sovereign and in control of whatever I'm going through in my life!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
What should I do with my life?
This post is kind of my question post in my blog. It's a combination of many things swirling in my head right now at the moment and just trying to pinpoint the one the seems to fit the best for me.
Well, right now I'm trying to figuire out what I should do with my life is the big question I will try to answer with today's blog post? I can't really answer it because only God knows the answer to that question. He is in control of my life, that's the only thing certain right now. I have to cling to that fact during this time in my life, like someone might cling to water in a desert.
When I first when I college I thought I was going to be some big shot sports announcer/broadcaster. Then, when I did TV reporting the fall of my senior year it got kind of stressful and I just didn't find joy in it. I became really stressed with editing and just getting my story perfect. I only had one or two decent stories.
My friend Jim Douglas has told me I should try print reporting though I only did that for one semester. The one thing I really liked about reporting was mainly the interviewing, I guess that's because how I'm wired.
I recently took a personality test at this church I've been going to around home in the houston area called Ecclesia Clear Lake. Anyways, it really brought to light my strengths.
It helped me realize what I'm good at personally and what brings me joy in life. All strength finder talents match me so well. I'm very good at reinforcing what I believe using belief and I also "talk into the hearts" of people well. I listen and give good advice to people real well which goes along with that well. I'm good at Communication talent because I was a broadcast journalism major and did Young Life. I'm a positivity talent because I think I've always been upbeat in looking to the bright side in most situations. I'm a Woo talent because I've loved meeting new people whether it be Young Life kids or sports figuires with stories I've reported. My last one was strategic, I think I've always liked writing down things and planning them out.
I wrote and delivered some sports for KTCU at the end of my spring and thought I liked that better than TV stuff at the time. This fall has been frustrating at times, I've applied like crazy to radio jobs and some TV jobs. I've also thought about maybe doing Young Life full-time staff because I have a passion for hanging out with/meeting new kids. I've only gotten to give a couple talks in my time as a Young Life but I know I just gotta work at it. I've got some good ideas for walk-ons and that type of stuff as well. I've wanted to do more walk-ons at TCU but there was a guy on my YL team who was really good at them.
I think I would be good at fundraising to get on YL staff because a raised some money for bowl-a-thon a couple years ago.
Will Wyatt, who started up D-focus I went to this summer, that if we're faced with a tough decision to present all the possible things we are deciding between to God. God will eventually lead us back to what he wants me to me doing. Anyways, all I know is I gotta keep presenting and abiding in Christ. Jesus wants me to trust in him, be aware of him, and be despertely dependent of him for everything. He is in control of my life, an awesome truth to know daily friends!
Well, right now I'm trying to figuire out what I should do with my life is the big question I will try to answer with today's blog post? I can't really answer it because only God knows the answer to that question. He is in control of my life, that's the only thing certain right now. I have to cling to that fact during this time in my life, like someone might cling to water in a desert.
When I first when I college I thought I was going to be some big shot sports announcer/broadcaster. Then, when I did TV reporting the fall of my senior year it got kind of stressful and I just didn't find joy in it. I became really stressed with editing and just getting my story perfect. I only had one or two decent stories.
My friend Jim Douglas has told me I should try print reporting though I only did that for one semester. The one thing I really liked about reporting was mainly the interviewing, I guess that's because how I'm wired.
I recently took a personality test at this church I've been going to around home in the houston area called Ecclesia Clear Lake. Anyways, it really brought to light my strengths.
It helped me realize what I'm good at personally and what brings me joy in life. All strength finder talents match me so well. I'm very good at reinforcing what I believe using belief and I also "talk into the hearts" of people well. I listen and give good advice to people real well which goes along with that well. I'm good at Communication talent because I was a broadcast journalism major and did Young Life. I'm a positivity talent because I think I've always been upbeat in looking to the bright side in most situations. I'm a Woo talent because I've loved meeting new people whether it be Young Life kids or sports figuires with stories I've reported. My last one was strategic, I think I've always liked writing down things and planning them out.
I wrote and delivered some sports for KTCU at the end of my spring and thought I liked that better than TV stuff at the time. This fall has been frustrating at times, I've applied like crazy to radio jobs and some TV jobs. I've also thought about maybe doing Young Life full-time staff because I have a passion for hanging out with/meeting new kids. I've only gotten to give a couple talks in my time as a Young Life but I know I just gotta work at it. I've got some good ideas for walk-ons and that type of stuff as well. I've wanted to do more walk-ons at TCU but there was a guy on my YL team who was really good at them.
I think I would be good at fundraising to get on YL staff because a raised some money for bowl-a-thon a couple years ago.
Will Wyatt, who started up D-focus I went to this summer, that if we're faced with a tough decision to present all the possible things we are deciding between to God. God will eventually lead us back to what he wants me to me doing. Anyways, all I know is I gotta keep presenting and abiding in Christ. Jesus wants me to trust in him, be aware of him, and be despertely dependent of him for everything. He is in control of my life, an awesome truth to know daily friends!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Trusting in God with everything in my life
So, I was journaling today I had a thought and here it is.
Trusting in God and giving God control of my life is kind of freeing feeling to me. It is so cool knowing if I trust him with any situation, knowing he is faithful to bring me through it. It's been awesome this summer and this fall looking back on the times in my life God has brought me through difficult situations. I never really thought about how I go about trusting God before this summer really. I just went thorough my busy schedule of school, YL, Young Life bible study on the same routine.
God taught me this summer to present/surrender whatever is going on in my life and trust him with everything. He has reminded me time and time again this fall that he is in control if my life. He has revealed to me what a trusting, abiding, desperately dependent relationship with him looks like. I read the book Crazy Love this fall, it made me more convinced what kind of life God wants me to live with him. God wanted me to know he is in passionate pursuit of me to surrender/give him control of everything and trust him with my life.
One more thought before I go, God led me to D-focus this summer through Emily Sells, Katy Park, and Jace Thompson so I could grow in him. I tried to plan out my life because for a while I wanted to do a year-long internship at a Young Life camp but God had a bigger and better plan for my life. I thank God that he is in control.
Trusting in God and giving God control of my life is kind of freeing feeling to me. It is so cool knowing if I trust him with any situation, knowing he is faithful to bring me through it. It's been awesome this summer and this fall looking back on the times in my life God has brought me through difficult situations. I never really thought about how I go about trusting God before this summer really. I just went thorough my busy schedule of school, YL, Young Life bible study on the same routine.
God taught me this summer to present/surrender whatever is going on in my life and trust him with everything. He has reminded me time and time again this fall that he is in control if my life. He has revealed to me what a trusting, abiding, desperately dependent relationship with him looks like. I read the book Crazy Love this fall, it made me more convinced what kind of life God wants me to live with him. God wanted me to know he is in passionate pursuit of me to surrender/give him control of everything and trust him with my life.
One more thought before I go, God led me to D-focus this summer through Emily Sells, Katy Park, and Jace Thompson so I could grow in him. I tried to plan out my life because for a while I wanted to do a year-long internship at a Young Life camp but God had a bigger and better plan for my life. I thank God that he is in control.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Amon G Carter stadium and Frog's Rose Bowl berth
Today I am blogging about the TCU stadium renovation and the Frogs berth in the Rose Bowl. I will chronicle my favorite games at TCU that I attended as a student or in general.
My first moment of Amon Carter stadium was in 2006, the year before I transferred to TCU I saw the Frogs beat Texas Tech in a defensive showdown with a bunch of field goals.
My favorite game as a student was last year's game against Utah, with a sold out Amon Carter stadium of 50,000 people and College Gameday there in the morning. I went to Gameday at six in the morning from my duplex that day and later saw Lee Corso put on the SuperFrog head, which was awesome. TCU destroyed the Utah Utes later that day 55-28. I also got to go onto the field after the game and celebrate with the team.
My second favorite game as a student was on October 16, 2008 when we ended BYU's perfect season with a 32-7 win over the Cougars with Jerry Hughes picking up four sacks in that game. My third favorite moment, was earlier in that year when we played Stanford and it rained like crazy during the game.
This year as an alumni I got to go to the soldout TCU vs Air Force game on Homecoming in which we dominated 38-7. This year, I also got to go to the TCU vs Oregon state game at the new Cowboys stadium, it was really cool just to being in that massive stadium and watching us beat a Pac 10 team.
The new stadium could very well be the Camden yards of college football, the designs look impressive so far. I can't wait for what new crowds will bring in the Big East and our completed stadium in 2012. Despite going undefeated this season, it's still a great accomplishment to go to the Rose Bowl on January 1st and face Wisconsin.
Go Frogs! I can't wait to finish off this season strong and what it would mean to these seniors if we won. Who knows we may even finish #2 in the country. Proud to be a Horned Frog- Snoop!
My first moment of Amon Carter stadium was in 2006, the year before I transferred to TCU I saw the Frogs beat Texas Tech in a defensive showdown with a bunch of field goals.
My favorite game as a student was last year's game against Utah, with a sold out Amon Carter stadium of 50,000 people and College Gameday there in the morning. I went to Gameday at six in the morning from my duplex that day and later saw Lee Corso put on the SuperFrog head, which was awesome. TCU destroyed the Utah Utes later that day 55-28. I also got to go onto the field after the game and celebrate with the team.
My second favorite game as a student was on October 16, 2008 when we ended BYU's perfect season with a 32-7 win over the Cougars with Jerry Hughes picking up four sacks in that game. My third favorite moment, was earlier in that year when we played Stanford and it rained like crazy during the game.
This year as an alumni I got to go to the soldout TCU vs Air Force game on Homecoming in which we dominated 38-7. This year, I also got to go to the TCU vs Oregon state game at the new Cowboys stadium, it was really cool just to being in that massive stadium and watching us beat a Pac 10 team.
The new stadium could very well be the Camden yards of college football, the designs look impressive so far. I can't wait for what new crowds will bring in the Big East and our completed stadium in 2012. Despite going undefeated this season, it's still a great accomplishment to go to the Rose Bowl on January 1st and face Wisconsin.
Go Frogs! I can't wait to finish off this season strong and what it would mean to these seniors if we won. Who knows we may even finish #2 in the country. Proud to be a Horned Frog- Snoop!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Maturity in Christ
I didn't really think about this topic until the past week or so, it just feels like God is revealing to me he wants me to write about this important topic to me.
Here's a little summary of what Maturity in Christ is from Discovery this summer: trusting God 1. more quickly and 2. with more situations because of his faithfulness in the past. I feel like I have matured in Christ from this summer at Dicipleship Focus. This fall, I have been able to trust with my job/life situation quicker than I did with difficult situations in the past. He also revealed to me to trust him through another difficult situation in my life in a friendship with someone and helped me grow/mature through it all.
In regards to the job/life situation he just wanted me to let go of trying to do it on my own and trust him with it all because he is in control of my life. He just wanted me to surrender/give him control of my life. I need to remind myself of that daily, to surrender things in my life and he will take care of it all.
With the struggle with the friendship, he just wanted me to not worry about it and let him take care of it. He wanted to remind me the struggle in the friendship with that person that he knows what's best for me in the long run.
I saw from other situations in the past God brought me through, like my car wreck in the past, that he has a bigger plan in our life and uses those difficult situations for his glory to conform his to his image. I'm just grateful that my small group from this summer helped me grow and mature in him.
Here's a little summary of what Maturity in Christ is from Discovery this summer: trusting God 1. more quickly and 2. with more situations because of his faithfulness in the past. I feel like I have matured in Christ from this summer at Dicipleship Focus. This fall, I have been able to trust with my job/life situation quicker than I did with difficult situations in the past. He also revealed to me to trust him through another difficult situation in my life in a friendship with someone and helped me grow/mature through it all.
In regards to the job/life situation he just wanted me to let go of trying to do it on my own and trust him with it all because he is in control of my life. He just wanted me to surrender/give him control of my life. I need to remind myself of that daily, to surrender things in my life and he will take care of it all.
With the struggle with the friendship, he just wanted me to not worry about it and let him take care of it. He wanted to remind me the struggle in the friendship with that person that he knows what's best for me in the long run.
I saw from other situations in the past God brought me through, like my car wreck in the past, that he has a bigger plan in our life and uses those difficult situations for his glory to conform his to his image. I'm just grateful that my small group from this summer helped me grow and mature in him.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Romans 8:28-29
I never really thought of this verse much this summer until in I heard it in Chapter 4 of Discovery at D-Focus.
The verse goes like this Romans 8:28-29, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to his Son, that he might be firstborn among many brothers." I never thought about it until this summer, that God put events in our life he would use to conform us to his image so we would be like him.
Another verse that pertains to that topic is Phillipians 1:6, the says God will keep working through us until the day of Christ Jesus. It's crazy that God used a trial in my life to help me realize my desperate dependence on him for all things in life. He used my crazy car wreck to my junior year of high school and my struggles associated with that leading up to the beginning of my senior year when I started reading the Bible again, to help me realize that I need him more than anything.
He also used a recent situation when I struggled in my friendship with a person I really cared about to conform me to his image. He made me realize through this situation that I have to be more patient with people. I think he wanted me to utilize self-control better in my life in situations and be more receptive to the other person's needs in that situation. His purpose in our lives is to conform us to HIS image and for that I am thankful for. I also love that we have a God that doesn't need us but wants wants with all we are and all we have.
His plans are bigger than us, I have to remind myself of that daily.
The verse goes like this Romans 8:28-29, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to his Son, that he might be firstborn among many brothers." I never thought about it until this summer, that God put events in our life he would use to conform us to his image so we would be like him.
Another verse that pertains to that topic is Phillipians 1:6, the says God will keep working through us until the day of Christ Jesus. It's crazy that God used a trial in my life to help me realize my desperate dependence on him for all things in life. He used my crazy car wreck to my junior year of high school and my struggles associated with that leading up to the beginning of my senior year when I started reading the Bible again, to help me realize that I need him more than anything.
He also used a recent situation when I struggled in my friendship with a person I really cared about to conform me to his image. He made me realize through this situation that I have to be more patient with people. I think he wanted me to utilize self-control better in my life in situations and be more receptive to the other person's needs in that situation. His purpose in our lives is to conform us to HIS image and for that I am thankful for. I also love that we have a God that doesn't need us but wants wants with all we are and all we have.
His plans are bigger than us, I have to remind myself of that daily.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Second Coming of Jesus
This topic is very interesting to me because when I heard a sermon about it on Sunday it gave me a sense of urgency inside of me to love people more and tell people about Jesus. I also thought about being more intentional with people whether it's hanging out with non-Christians at the gym, friends from high school or college, or people at missional community.
Another thing I thought of, I need to be more cognizant of people around me I think I need to serve my friends and family even with the little things in life. I think God wants to just to get to know people in a more relational way.
In the passage in Matthew 24 from which Jesus talked about his second coming, Jesus says in verse 36 nobody knows the time or place that he himself will come again only his Father in heaven knows. From verse 36-50, talks about how God is control of when his Son will come again.
This truth is very relevant in my life right now with the whole job/life situation. I'm trying to make sure I know what I'm good and love, then pursue that. I also need to remind myself God is in control. In the past I used to get frustrated at certain situations in life since this summer God keeps reminding that he IS in control and has a bigger plan for my life. He will lead me back to where he wants me if I stray off the course, though that is a topic for another blog about God's will.
It's crazy to know he is in control of everything in our lives, world leaders and events, and even when his Son Jesus Christ comes again.
Another thing I thought of, I need to be more cognizant of people around me I think I need to serve my friends and family even with the little things in life. I think God wants to just to get to know people in a more relational way.
In the passage in Matthew 24 from which Jesus talked about his second coming, Jesus says in verse 36 nobody knows the time or place that he himself will come again only his Father in heaven knows. From verse 36-50, talks about how God is control of when his Son will come again.
This truth is very relevant in my life right now with the whole job/life situation. I'm trying to make sure I know what I'm good and love, then pursue that. I also need to remind myself God is in control. In the past I used to get frustrated at certain situations in life since this summer God keeps reminding that he IS in control and has a bigger plan for my life. He will lead me back to where he wants me if I stray off the course, though that is a topic for another blog about God's will.
It's crazy to know he is in control of everything in our lives, world leaders and events, and even when his Son Jesus Christ comes again.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
TCU to the Big East
Today I will be blogging about TCU's move to the Big East and what I think of the move east as well as some perspectives at the end of TCU's coaches.
My first one why the Big East move is great for the Frogs is that it gives us a chance to receive a BCS berth every year without having to go undefeated like we had to to in the non-automatic qualifying Mountain West. Second, the it will be easier to fly to the places/teams TCU will be playing in the Big East. They will be at more central locations than they were in TCU's former conference the Mountain West. In Mountain West, TCU had to fly to New Mexico, San Diego, and UNLV losing an hour on the west coast. Third, it gives TCU more exposure across the United States in more TV markets on the east coast with ESPN and other major networks TV deals for the chance for the Frogs to be seen nationally.
Big East won't be this bad every year. It could be a competitive conference by the time the Frogs join. Cincinati lost their coach to Notre Dame this year. Syracuse usually a basketball powerhouse has done better in football this year and is improving. West Virginia is one of the top teams in the conference every year. Pitt usually has good football and basketball teams but they just dropped off the second half of the year. Maybe the Frogs can push the Big East to be more competitive and beat bigger name teams.
Fourth, it will help our other athletic program as well. Going to Big East will give us more recruits for TCU's basketball team wanting to play against teams such as a UCONN, Syracuse, Villavova, Pitt, and West Virgina. Also it helps our baseball team surprisingly, I did not think about this fact as well. Baseball coach Jim Scholossnagle, said the Mountain West was the ninth or 10th-best league and the Big East was No. 5. The moves upgrades RPI standpoint at the end of the season. "They had two teams that hosted regionals last year. Louisville is traditionally a power in the conference. Connecticut hosted a regional and Notre Dame played in Omaha."
Even women's coach Jim Mittie praised by saying that the Big East would easier to travel.
Well, Go Frogs! My mantra for next weekend is Rose Bowl or bust with a couple breaks.
My first one why the Big East move is great for the Frogs is that it gives us a chance to receive a BCS berth every year without having to go undefeated like we had to to in the non-automatic qualifying Mountain West. Second, the it will be easier to fly to the places/teams TCU will be playing in the Big East. They will be at more central locations than they were in TCU's former conference the Mountain West. In Mountain West, TCU had to fly to New Mexico, San Diego, and UNLV losing an hour on the west coast. Third, it gives TCU more exposure across the United States in more TV markets on the east coast with ESPN and other major networks TV deals for the chance for the Frogs to be seen nationally.
Big East won't be this bad every year. It could be a competitive conference by the time the Frogs join. Cincinati lost their coach to Notre Dame this year. Syracuse usually a basketball powerhouse has done better in football this year and is improving. West Virginia is one of the top teams in the conference every year. Pitt usually has good football and basketball teams but they just dropped off the second half of the year. Maybe the Frogs can push the Big East to be more competitive and beat bigger name teams.
Fourth, it will help our other athletic program as well. Going to Big East will give us more recruits for TCU's basketball team wanting to play against teams such as a UCONN, Syracuse, Villavova, Pitt, and West Virgina. Also it helps our baseball team surprisingly, I did not think about this fact as well. Baseball coach Jim Scholossnagle, said the Mountain West was the ninth or 10th-best league and the Big East was No. 5. The moves upgrades RPI standpoint at the end of the season. "They had two teams that hosted regionals last year. Louisville is traditionally a power in the conference. Connecticut hosted a regional and Notre Dame played in Omaha."
Even women's coach Jim Mittie praised by saying that the Big East would easier to travel.
Well, Go Frogs! My mantra for next weekend is Rose Bowl or bust with a couple breaks.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Well, I decided this Thanksgiving to thank all the people who had made an impact in my life. It was really rewarding when I did it.
I sent a text to my Young Life leader from high school and told him I am thankful for meeting him in high school because he got me to go to Frontier Ranch where I gave my life to Christ for the first time there. I also told one of my best friends from high school I am glad that I met him and that I'm his friend. I told that to one of my best friends from TCU as well.
It seemed like a really freeing feeling looking back on those texts I sent to people I cared about telling them I am glad that I met them. I also told that to my awesome, If you're a man you're a man small group from this summer, I am thankful for meeting them and cabin four. We had some awesome times in cabin four as well with Little Boys in White T-shirts.
I am also thankful for meeting the Pettigrew family this summer and for all the D-focus small group leaders God blessed us with. I didn't end up there, (at D-focus), by my own design it was definitely God giving me a wake up call to desire to be with him through everything in my life. I also thanked other friends that I met at D-focus this summer.
Anyways, I think I'm done with today's blog post. Peace out friends!
I sent a text to my Young Life leader from high school and told him I am thankful for meeting him in high school because he got me to go to Frontier Ranch where I gave my life to Christ for the first time there. I also told one of my best friends from high school I am glad that I met him and that I'm his friend. I told that to one of my best friends from TCU as well.
It seemed like a really freeing feeling looking back on those texts I sent to people I cared about telling them I am glad that I met them. I also told that to my awesome, If you're a man you're a man small group from this summer, I am thankful for meeting them and cabin four. We had some awesome times in cabin four as well with Little Boys in White T-shirts.
I am also thankful for meeting the Pettigrew family this summer and for all the D-focus small group leaders God blessed us with. I didn't end up there, (at D-focus), by my own design it was definitely God giving me a wake up call to desire to be with him through everything in my life. I also thanked other friends that I met at D-focus this summer.
Anyways, I think I'm done with today's blog post. Peace out friends!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
First Blog Post
Well, it's my first time on one of those things. Now, what to talk about.
First, I will discuss what God's been doing in my life lately since this is a blog about my life. This Fall, he has been telling me to just be patient with everything that is going on in my life right now. He has been using something he taught me this summer to remind me of this fall, that he IS in control of everything. Take a look at 2 Chronicles 29:11 if you want some evidence of that friends.
Second, God took something I learned from the summer and just said do this because I want to be with you always. He taught me this someone I needed to be more dependent on him with everything. Sometimes I think went I went to TCU, I would get so caught up in getting stuff done that I forget to depend on him for whatever situation I was going through.
Third, he has been teaching that if I just trust him with everything then he will provide because he has a greater plan for my life and I used to worry about that so much before this summer. He will help our faith glass grow if we trust him with more things. I just gotta trust him with life/job stuff, future wife, etc. I think my last thing God has been telling me lately is to just love people and he will lead me to people in my life he wants me to be with. Sometimes I get worried about finding a girlfriend/future wife since a lot of my friends from high school are either getting married or in a big time relationship.
That's all for today, thanks for reading whoever reads this schindig of a thing. I hope it's gooood! Like Jim Carrey says it. He is my favorite comedian.
Snoop's out. Peace.
First, I will discuss what God's been doing in my life lately since this is a blog about my life. This Fall, he has been telling me to just be patient with everything that is going on in my life right now. He has been using something he taught me this summer to remind me of this fall, that he IS in control of everything. Take a look at 2 Chronicles 29:11 if you want some evidence of that friends.
Second, God took something I learned from the summer and just said do this because I want to be with you always. He taught me this someone I needed to be more dependent on him with everything. Sometimes I think went I went to TCU, I would get so caught up in getting stuff done that I forget to depend on him for whatever situation I was going through.
Third, he has been teaching that if I just trust him with everything then he will provide because he has a greater plan for my life and I used to worry about that so much before this summer. He will help our faith glass grow if we trust him with more things. I just gotta trust him with life/job stuff, future wife, etc. I think my last thing God has been telling me lately is to just love people and he will lead me to people in my life he wants me to be with. Sometimes I get worried about finding a girlfriend/future wife since a lot of my friends from high school are either getting married or in a big time relationship.
That's all for today, thanks for reading whoever reads this schindig of a thing. I hope it's gooood! Like Jim Carrey says it. He is my favorite comedian.
Snoop's out. Peace.
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