
Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 The book of Habbukk shows that we can cry out to God with our complaints.  It is okay to question God with our frustrations in life.    God wants us to bring our doubts, cares, frustrations, to him every day.  He wants to know what is going on in our life.  The book of Habbukk also shows that it is okay to question God why certain things are happening.  Lastly, the book helps us see it's okay to ask God why wicked people are thriving.

In Habbukk's prayer at the end of the book in Chapter three, he remembers God's glory, power, and majesty.   He remembers God's good deeds and what he has done for us people.  He remembers how God delivered his people.   He recalls how God is over creation and the seas.  Lastly, Habbukk is in awe of how God judges all things.  

He closes by saying that he will rejoice in the Lord and he will have joy in God my savior.  Verse 18 says, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord.  I will be joyful in my God my savior."  Ha Habbukk is able to rejoice in God despite the circumstances and put his joy in the Lord.    Lastly, Habbukk says, "The Sovereign Lord is my strength, he makes my feet is of a deer; he enables me to tread on heights."  This shows Habbukk's full confidence and trust in God.   He trusts in God despite the circumstances. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Phrases in Jeremiah that repeat themselves

 "The Lord is our Righteous Savior."

In Jeremiah 23:6 and 33:16 both are prophesies of Jeremiah speaking about God and the coming of Jesus Christ.    23:6 says, "In his days Judah will be saved, and Isarael will live in safety.   This is the name by which he will be called: "The Lord is out Righteous Savior,".   These repeating verses are a foretelling of the coming of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 23:1-7 section encompasses the Messianic prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ.   They also act as a play on words describing the current king Zedekiah.  
Jeremiah 23:5-6 describe Jesus Christ has the righteous branch.  All people will come to him to be saved.  Their new king, Jesus Christ, will reign justly and rightly in his decision making; verse 5.   The new king Jesus will teach the people true righteousness, verse 6.  God is reminding us that our righteousness comes from Christ alone.  


Friday, July 5, 2024

Ecclesiastes Big Ideas

 Ecclesiastes talks about a few big ideas in the book.   It is written by King Solomon at the end of his life.   He discusses how everything in life passes away.    Also, how everything has their own time and season in life.  There is a time for death, work, and life each has its own season.   His main theme centers around the "fearing God" because everything else passes away at the end of our life.  

The book discusses the fleeting nature of life.   Life passes away in an instant, but God is there at the end of time.  Death passes away, toil passes away, and life passes away.    The hardship we endure in life passes away as well.   God never passes away; he is eternal.  

The preacher says at the end of the book that God will judge all things at end of our life.   Fearing God centers our life on God in the midst of life.   God will bring everything under his control.   

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Trust in God's Plans For Us

 Right now, we my fiancée and I are trying to trust in God's plans for us in our life.  We are trying to trust in God's provisions for the right career positions and finances for a wedding.    Both of us are in jobs we currently do not enjoy.    She works at a kid's preschool in at Austin Oaks and I work in the Deli Production department at HEB.  In both jobs, the pay is not enough to pay for a wedding.  

God is telling me that we need to remember Jeremiah 29:11 for our life.   We need to remember that God has a plan for us and our life.   Also, to remember Proverbs 3:8-9 daily.   We have to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and lean not on our own understanding.   But acknowledge him, and he will make our paths straight.   God is calling us to keep trusting him in all his ways and acknowledging him every step of the way then he will lead and guide us.  

Lastly, we have to daily abide in him for everything.  Jesus talks about this in John 15:4-5.   This process of abiding is a everyday process.   Also, it's a step-by-step process that takes our entire life.   When we abide in him, then our faith will grow and multiply.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

A great birthday celebration weekend

 I had a great birthday celebration weekend with some friends, the weekend of March 22-24.   On Friday night, Amanda, my fiancée and I grabbed dinner with my best friend Andrew Boone at Cava.   I had never been there before since moving to Austin last May.  Andrew said he loves Cava and Amanda wanted to take me there since I moved here.    It is a healthy burrito/bowl Mediterranean type food.   

On Saturday morning, a few friends that came in town: Jordan, Andrew Boone, and Olen met my fiancée and her good friend Miranda to go share the gospel with Bethel church at 10 am.   My friend Russ from Austin Ridge Southwest met us there.   Russ, Chad, and I asked some people by kids' area at the mall for prayer but they said "no." Then we prayed for a guy's back for a little bit, and we were able to share with his cousin.    We asked if his cousin would want to pray to receive Christ then but he said, "maybe later at home."  Lastly, we were able to plant a seed when we tried to share with a Turkish guy by the cologne/perfume area at the mall.   His friend that we exchange contact information with ended up being a believer.  

Then, we went to lunch at Way South Food truck for a while and hung out there for a few hours.  Amanda and I got food from a Mexican food truck and hung out while the guys played corn hole.   After that, we went to McKinney Falls State Park and hiked for about half an hour before going to see Big Daddy Weave.  The waterfalls were amazing and it was a beautiful day.  Jordan, Olen, and I were a little late because Jordan put the wrong name in his GPS and not the full address.  We ended up getting there for end of Austin French and saw all of Big Daddy Weave.  

On Sunday afternoon, Amanda and I went to church and then served at church.   After that we went to lunch with Wes, Miranda, and Joel at Galaxy Cafe.   

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Friends that God has blessed me with

 At the end of this month, I am celebrating my birthday some of my friends that he has blessed me with through my life.    My best friend moved something around so that he could make it.   It is the mark of a best brother in Christ.   My close friends in Fort Worth: Joel and Wes who are Biblical counselors are also coming.   Jordan Jackson who is a tennis coach will also be coming for the weekend.   A few of my friends from the Austin area might come as well.  

We had been talking about finding men community on Thursday night Men's Bible study.   It reminded me of the biblical community in my life that he as blessed me with.    It reminded me of how when I do not have biblical community, I can become lonely.   Biblical community is necessary for us to grow in godliness.  We need biblical community to grow and mature as believers in Christ.  

It is amazing the friends and biblical community God has blessed me with in my life.    The Thursday night study also showed me that I need more of that in my life.   I need more people in Austin building me up and encouraging me in my faith.   A have a few friends but not enough guys that are really encouraging me every day.   God showed me I need more guys in the area that are praying and helping me seek out God's will for my life as well.   

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Bible Study recap podcast

 The Bible Study recap podcast has showed me how I need to constantly look for Jesus in the crevices of the Old Testament.    It has reminded how the whole Bible points to Jesus Christ.    God uses small things to point to something bigger.  God uses various Scripture to point to the greater coming of our high priest and savior Jesus Christ.   We have to look for Jesus even all parts of our life.  

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